By TJFuentes - 11/02/2015 13:39 - United States - Appleton

Today, someone walking my way started waving. I waved back until I realized he wasn't looking at me. To make things worse, while walking past he said, "Get a fucking friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 340
You deserved it 3 760

Same thing different taste


chocolatefrog28 29

How else do you make new friends if you don't wave at strangers?

liquifiednate 21

Every time this happens to me or someone else I just think of that one scene from spider man where Peter saw Mary waving at him and he got all happy and waved back. But then she walked right by him and started talking to her friend.

And every single person in the audience thought, "I HATE when that happens!!!"

Why are people SO rude. If I were him I would've just found it a bit humorous. What a dick

Most people wouldn't say anything to make you feel bad, but maybe have a laugh with you. Clearly he is a douche

SlipperyNipple 9

"Get a ******* friend" Maybe he meant friend with benefits? ;)

"I tried, but then realised you're an asshole"