By Anonymous - 02/09/2017 00:00 - United States

Today, when I was done masturbating to the thought of my crush I noticed my phone was lit up. I turned it over and stared in horror as I saw a call connected to him. I had been loudly moaning his name. I guess I hit his speed dial when I was setting my phone down. He was definitely still on the line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 817
You deserved it 4 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he knows you like him(alot). Now make the move to ask him out lol.


lmfao it's kinda sexy tho don't trip lol

Are you sure this was a bad thing? Embarrassing in the moment yes, but if it's ever going to be more than a crush, this might be a catalyst for moving things forward... so way too early to call it a FML.

And then what? How long did it take? It is was awhile and he listened through it all then I think you might have a shot ?

I just had a funny mental image of this happening. You're off moaning his name, to busy to really pay attention to anything else. Siri quietly says "calling *crush's name.*"

Dont be embarrassed. You can call me anytime.

messedupteen 10

who knows, maybe that caught his attention in all the right ways?

Jayden.FML 4

OMG I need to know what happened next!!!😱😱😱

Melissa C 4

At least he knows you like him now!