By Anonymous - 02/09/2017 00:00 - United States

Today, when I was done masturbating to the thought of my crush I noticed my phone was lit up. I turned it over and stared in horror as I saw a call connected to him. I had been loudly moaning his name. I guess I hit his speed dial when I was setting my phone down. He was definitely still on the line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 814
You deserved it 4 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he knows you like him(alot). Now make the move to ask him out lol.


OP's probably going to change her identity and flee the country. I doubt anyone will ever hear from her again.

At least it wasn't someone else...for example, your mother.

pastafanatic 13

I could not imagine your embarrassment. My apologies OP. But I do agree with others, we definitely need a follow up on this.

At least he knows you like him(alot). Now make the move to ask him out lol.

Do you realize how creepy it would seem for someone to call just to ********** over the phone and then ask you out on a date?

Obvisouly they will need to talk about the call. It will be awkward. and then later in a relationship it is something they can look back on and be happy it happened.

iny0urjuicebox 7

if a girl called me moaning my name, I would be the exact opposite of creeped out if she asked to go on a date. actually, I think that I would ask her out before she even got the chance to, lol

ttuseth 7

Beyond cringe worthy. So sorry.

Not gonna lie, there's no recovering from a **** up of that magnitude.

Of course he was, he wasn’t finished masturbating to your phone sex call. Hopefully, he’ll want to escalate to real life soon.

azouwa 26

Sounds like something a teen would do on purpose.

He was either mortified or turned on. I'm thinking if he was on your speed dial, you'll get to laugh it off. Hopefully.

I also feel like if he hadn't hung up after hearing it, then he probably wasn't mortified. Or OP could have been "lucky," and it went to voicemail. A quick text saying, "Just butt dialed you, sorry." should be enough to get him to not even listen to it.