By StretchNuts - 11/03/2010 12:50 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my wife, I started to talk dirty to her. She started laughing. When I asked her if she wanted me to stop, she just kept on laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 452
You deserved it 4 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know she was having fun :-)

lizliz07 0

this isn't a FML. get over it. it's not like this is the first time you guys have slept together. it would suck if you just got married and found out she always giggled during sex!


piandod 0

OP, this is not an FML. Me and my girlfriend's relationship is practically based on laughter. You just probably aren't very good at talking dirty, and so it sounds funny coming out of your mouth. That's ok, cause I'm no good at it either. My advice? If you can't go for dirty, go for sweet instead, and throw out not-original but better-than-nothing phrases like "I love you", "You're so amazing", and the like. Be creative. And who knows? Perhaps someday you'll find that you can slip in something raunchy without even realizing it. Just relax, and enjoy the woman you've got. She sounds like a decent enough person to take something like that lightheartedly and not get completely bent about it.

hahahaha loser hahahaha. ha. ha. sorry. loser.

hahahaha loser hahahaha. ha. ha. sorry. loser.

1234USMC 0

slap her and like "bitch what's so funny don't laugh" and continue with what you wet saying

many your pubes were tickling her insides

Laugh at her when she wants a new article of clothing. Then she'll see how it feels

Reminds me of when I have normal conversations with my boyfriend during sex