By Broke Mama - 24/12/2011 14:38 - United States

Today, with the cost of craft supplies that ended in a DIY fail, then a costume and overnight shipping, I have now spent $90 to obtain a $10 hat and vest for my daughter to play a cow in the school Christmas play. She will say "Moo" three times with 5 other cows before leaving the stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 730
You deserved it 7 989

Same thing different taste


$90 worth of Christmas gifts you shouldn't buy

It is my understanding that Snoopy generally plays all of the animals in the Christmas pageant.

ant2590 6

Better get her lines on film each one cost you 30 bucks

But she's happy now, that's what's important

Im sure all the other parents didnt pay that much so either U must have waited till last min? Or u didn't look hard to find one or u live in the middle of nowhere

When I was in school plays the school provided the damn costumes.

The fun and excitement your daughter has performing is priceless though, right?

perdix 29

For that kind of scratch, teach your daughter Hamlet's soliloquy and tell her to hijack the show with "To be or not to be..." Then, that will be 90 bucks well spent.

Holy Cow!! Maybe you can utilise them for next halloween! At least it wont seem as wasteful!!