
By cc10 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - China

Today, I heard my newly divorced parents fighting about who gets to keep me. Neither of them wants me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 634
You deserved it 4 230

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

How can you not want your child anymore? this blows my mind. I love my children more then anything. Poor you. You can come live with me.

mewzik 0

ouch that must've hurt i remember when i was in 5th grade, i overheard my mom saying that she was sick of me and never wanted to see me again... i can kind of relate : /


Wow dude. **** your ******* life! Hahahaha

well your life could be worse. you could be one of the many assholes like michigan12207 who have nothing better to do then try to tear other people down mindlessly on the internet because their too cowardly to deal with their own pathetic lives or at the very least say this shit to peoples faces. that is the ultimate fmylife moment. but here i go fighting fire with fire. keep your head up.

UsernameHere_ 0

For everyones information, there are exceptions for rural birth, ethnic minorities, and parents who have no siblings themselves. So, very possible for some kids in China to have brothers and/or sisters.

That's terrible! I'm sure there was some sort of misunderstanding, or at least I hope for your sake.

In the U.S. products from China are famous for working incorrectly, breaking easily, malfunctioning and injuring users, being difficult to use, and being very cheap. I think your parents must be made in China.