Was that really necessary?

By dayum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Mexico

Today, my grandpa was wearing flip flops and white socks. He entered my restroom, and the moment he did I remembered there was no toilet paper left. I felt too ashamed to interrupt his dump, so I waited for him to ask for paper; he never did, and came out without socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 513
You deserved it 5 786

Top comments

HAHAHA!! that, my friend, is HYSTERICAL!!

one time this guy was at my house and he went to the restroom and i realized there was no toilet paper but he never said anything. Later i went inside and the tissues that were already in the trash then had poop on them. ppl are gross!!


starshine3987 0

Not very good ones lol. The places I went in mexico, toilet seats were a luxury. They can't even throw the toilet paper in the toilet there because the plumbing system can't handle it. However for many of the people there nice toilets are the least of their worries. And people wonder why everyone from there wants to get into our country. I don't blame them!

Where in Mexico did you go to? I lived there 18 years and believe me, toilet seats were never a luxury for me or anyone I know. Not everyone wants to get into your country, there are people who despise your ignorance and lack of international awareness. I came to the US for college because I can afford it, but I can't wait to graduate and go back to my country. =)

Trust me when I say that we can't wait until you take your '62 Ford pickup, your 32 illegal cousins, and your US education, paid for with your Mexican Drug Cartel blood money, and return to Mexico to raise the standards of YOUR 2nd-World countrymen. And stay there. We have enough taco stands to last us a life time. P.S. Send back more Tequila.

tamn8ercl 0

FarSide, you are an ass helmet. That is so racist and you are probably to stupid to know that OR you are around so many low class people that you think most Americans think like you. Well... WE DON'T. Drive you trailer elsewhere. Somewhere without an internet cafe. P.S. Forget some tequlia...have someone send you some class.

Tamn8ercl, enough said! I don't get offended by comments like this, it is just sad to see how ignorant and classless people can be! FarSide, go read a book, go to school and try to get educated :)

Lighten up people! It is all satire. You must be new here. But seriously paupau87... since YOU were serious. Americans are at home, and within their Constitutional right to badger each other. You on the other hand, are a visitor, and it shows incredibly poor taste, and demonstrates your lack of proper upbringing to criticize your host. I love everybody until they give me a reason not too. You managed to do that in one post. So get the **** out of the US, take everyone who shares your attitude, and return to Mexico to raise the standards of YOUR 2nd-World countrymen. Neither you, nor I, are happy your ungrateful ass is here.

@60... Nice come-back. You brand my satirical free speech as racist, and YOU responded with hateful intolerance. Such unbridled arrogance and elitism. I'll chalk your little amateurish outburst up to your public-school education and youthful willingness to drink the pablum your teachers spoon feed you. Try commenting again when you twist together an original thought...

OLOtheDemigodess 0

you are a racist douchebag. And you know it's kinda sad that once in a while an ignorant American shows up, fueling the stereotype that Americans are stupid/ignorant. I feel sorry for all the Americans who aren't.

OLOtheDemigodess 0

so Americans can be as nasty to each other as they like, but when a "visitor" is offended by your demeaning attitude and lashes back in defence BECAUSE YOU TREAT THEM THE SAME WAY, they're in the wrong??? YOU insulted Mexico/Mexicans first, then you claim that it's normal and perfectly fine for Americans to 'badger each other'. (what the hell has that got to do with anything??) You think it's horrible that Mexicans 'criticize their host', even though you, as an American (seemingly resembling the host country) are not very hospitable to your visitors. What do you expect??? You get what you give, idiot. You're a hypoctrical bastard, and a disgrace to civilized Americans.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

The sad thing is FarSide has to bitch at Mexicans on the internet, which means he's probably some stubby fat loser in real life who would shit himself if a group of Mexicans overheard him saying that. He probably rants on the internet about how Obama is a Kenyan socialist, too. Let him vent, he probably gets bullied everyday by his manager at Walmart.

@74 and @77: You children should turn out the lights and go to bed. You are not intelligent enough to have adult conversations. My original post was a simple funny question. Judging by the amount of private email sent to me, others thought so too. YOU two kids, who did not read the thread, are ignorant and immature. I never insulted anyone, period. Your undeveloped, publicly-educated, socialists brains read only what you wanted. #55 expressed his displeasure being in America. I merely suggested, as he ORIGINALLY did, that perhaps he should return to his country, along with others who think like him, and that way all of us will be happy. Nothing more, nothing less. My country was insulted by the bastard, and I suggested he leave... you have a problem with that? You are a hypocrite. Read your own immigration policy. Australia is inherently restrictive about who can come and live there, and what kind of individuals are acceptable. Your social elitism and arrogance is a stench even to a pigs nostrils, and is utter puke. YOU change your country's immigration policy and THEN you can come on here and critique ours. Until then, mind your own ******* business little girl. Finally @77: Your logic is ****** up. Free Speech = fat loser = fearful = low society. I don't know where you are from, but who has indoctrinated you? How you make such suppositions clearly demonstrates your utterly clueless knowledge of American society, culture, and politics. Keep posting, it only proves your immaturity.

@70. For the most part, Canadians ARE amazing. But face the facts... Canada may have many nationalities, but they live in there own neighborhoods. Also, I don't see headlines about your borders being trampled with people trying to get in.... legally or illegally... I'm just saying....

boatkicker 4

I can not think of a single time or situation where people moving anywhere legally would be considered "trampling."

mexicans........ give them a penny and they'll make wire, wait....those are jews

Now there is a man that has taken a crap in a Walmart changing room before!

epitomeofshty 0

that isn't an FML, it's just plain disgusting.

FYL? I think not. FHL, especially since your stupid pride was worth more to you than his necessities.

OLOtheDemigodess 0

oh go **** yourself, if that's really all you have to say.

Thats nothin, one of the guys in my platoon dropped out of a formation run, took a shit in the bushes, took off his sock, wiped his ass and threw the sock into the brush, put his shoe back on and sprinted up to the rest of the group like it was no big deal.

thatta babe grandpa way to be resourceful

MisterComedy 0

I think the socks should be writing an fml