Was that really necessary?

By dayum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Mexico

Today, my grandpa was wearing flip flops and white socks. He entered my restroom, and the moment he did I remembered there was no toilet paper left. I felt too ashamed to interrupt his dump, so I waited for him to ask for paper; he never did, and came out without socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 513
You deserved it 5 786

Top comments

HAHAHA!! that, my friend, is HYSTERICAL!!

one time this guy was at my house and he went to the restroom and i realized there was no toilet paper but he never said anything. Later i went inside and the tissues that were already in the trash then had poop on them. ppl are gross!!


Now his feet are going to get burned when he walks through the desert to come into the US illegally. If the US is so bad why is it that no one ever seems to want to illeagally cross into Mexico or Canada?

Illegally cross into Canada..? People generally cross into the US on land from Mexico. The only country connected to Canada through land would be the US.

explain to me house this is a fml? or funny? like yeah i smiled a bit but rele? not tht funny. nor a fml or a fhl or anything.

that is the most disgusting and hilarious think ive heard in my ******* life!


This should be on my life is average instead!

trickatreat 0

Man, that's like having to shit real bad and you're in like -- some jungle with no water. And we wipe our tooshies with a leaf! Poor leaf. Poor hand that got some shit on it.

no, I thinks its your grandpa with the effed up life.

jajaja that's so funny!! Once one of my friends had to go to the bathroom so he went to one of those outside ones. He was yelling out to us if anyone had napkins or something. One of us had napkins but decided to say no to see what he would do. He came out with a sock missing. jaja so funny to see that hes not the only one.