What ARE you doing?

By grounded - 03/01/2010 16:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on Facebook when I saw a link about what Pokémon would look like if they had genitals. I'm not quite sure why, but I decided to click it, and at that exact moment, my brother and his friend walked in. They told my mom I was looking at Pokémon porn. I'll never be able to live this down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 980
You deserved it 28 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments


razz27 0

curiousity killed the cat and it seems it has killed ur internet privilages for a awhile cuz im assuming ur mom doesnt want u watchin anymore pokemon **** 

sizel1 0
dante0220 0
cel123456789 0

Yay rule#34 o/!Now avalaible on facebook!Srsly dude try this when you're alone.

cel123456789 0
the_sodomizer 0

well you were looking at pokemon ****.

PandoraHale 0

so do they look hot with new "parts" added????!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

dante0220 0

was pikachu shocking? lol. also YDI