What if God was one of us?

By This is why people are abandoning religion. - 05/03/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my parents have been slowly coming closer to figuring out that I'm an atheist. They've stated to me and my siblings since we were old enough to think independently that if any of us turned out to be atheists, they'd disown us. I'm not sure what to do here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 526
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't live your parents life. if they truly disown you they're shitheads you're better off without. probably true either way


can't live your parents life. if they truly disown you they're shitheads you're better off without. probably true either way

I think you shuld obey your parents.

bearded 6

I think you should hang upside down and shit in your own mouth.

Wadlaen 23

Seems like there's only one thing to do: Search God and pray that you find Him!

Either stand up for what you believe, or give up on what you believe.