What's updog?

By bu09 - 07/03/2009 20:34 - United States

Today, all of my friends and teachers asked me what was wrong because I looked sad and tired. One kid even said that I looked like "an abused housewife the day after." I was fine. It was the first time I went to school without wearing any makeup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 449
You deserved it 9 686

Same thing different taste

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This is why I never wear makeup. That way when you do, everyone is like, "Ooooh, you look great!"

it happens. if people don't know what your real face looks like then they will do that. I wear eyeliner everyday and one day i didn't and my mom kept bugging me all day that i looked sick. that's why i try to avoid makeup on a regular basis. and when i do wear it, it looks special. lol


#50 aka Cassy I agree...and the funny thing is that guys all say those exact things about how women are always wearing too much makeup and how it's so ugly because when they take it off they don't look like themselves anymore...but then they walk around with girlfriends whose facepaint is clearly a mixture between "Barbie" and "Cheap Hooker"...it's ridiculous... AND at everybody judging the OP for wearing makeup daily and not looking "natural"...there's a difference between "no makeup" and "natural"...you have no idea how much makeup you can put on and still look natural if you just know what to use and how to do it right!!! I for example have very light skin and lightbrown hair, so I use brown instead of black mascara because it doesn't look as "harsh"...

Go for ligher tones possibly? to match your skin/hair color like #54 mentioned. Natural is better. Wearing makeup for a long time and then without it for one day, it makes a difference to ppl's perspective. If you take off the makeup for a whole week or so, I`m sure ppl will get use to it and stop with the remarks. :)

That happens to me soooo much! It drives me crazy, I dont usually wear makeup so I guess I just look sickly all the time. haha. But yeah, it sucks.

gbpackerfan16 0

this has happened to me too ha

discoinferno 0

I have to say I disagree with the popular mindset here that you shouldn't wear make up and save it only for special occasions. I wear makeup to school every day because I want to look my best all the time. My metrosexual brother expressed a similar opinion, that I should save makeup for when I want to look special. Maybe I always want to look special! I'd rather look good every day than look like shit on average.

fraufrau87 0

Yo. I agree with those saying maybe you shouldn't wear it every day.. But why don't you just try foundation and cover up when you don't feel like doing the whole 9 yards. That's what I do. I have literally clear skin- you can see my veins and dark circles and I just wear concealer and foundation when don't feel like putting on anything else. Just don't let it look caked on and you're golden.

kfamous 0

thats happened to me too :( fml

lizrock6 0

hahahahahahaha this is so funny

it was the first time you hadn't worn make up..... people are probably just so used to seeing you with make up that it was unfamiliar to them. kind of like if you cut your hair really drastically after having the same style forever.

thinkpink 0

Yeahhhhh...my advice is lay off the makeup, or if it makes your skin look sallow and dull to not wear any at all, you could probably try wearing foundation. Just don't wear as much eye make up, or maybe only mascara. You'll look pretty AND more natural. And I agree and do the same as other girls on here, put make up on for maybe weekends and occasions and you'll look like a million dollars. Don't worry about it!