
By Anonymous - 30/07/2020 17:01

Today, after finally finding the one after so many heartbreaks, he’s leaving me because things are actually too good. He says having me around distracts him too much from work, and spends too much time with me instead of working weekends on top of working all week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 982
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The bullshittiest excuse I have ever seen! He probably doesn't have balls to tell you the real reason such as "my other girlfriend is pregnant".

Taylor Caldwell 10

Sounds like you two need to work on independence within your relationship. Many people become completely codependent on their partners and that’s a recipe for toxicity. It’s good to take time apart to work towards your own goals while still maintaining and nurturing a healthy and thriving relationship.


The bullshittiest excuse I have ever seen! He probably doesn't have balls to tell you the real reason such as "my other girlfriend is pregnant".

Mathalamus 24

How do you know it's BS? It could easily be a perfectly true reason, or a self confidence issue.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Sounds like you two need to work on independence within your relationship. Many people become completely codependent on their partners and that’s a recipe for toxicity. It’s good to take time apart to work towards your own goals while still maintaining and nurturing a healthy and thriving relationship.

You sound clingy. He'd probably prefer a materialistic cold fish who will be happy to spend his money while he toils to make it. Then, you should find a nerd who never had attention from women and convince him your constant presence is "normal."

then he isn't looking for a partner because he's already having sex with his work. workaholic complex

tounces7 27

Sounds like "the one" for you appears to be a ******* idiot.

Sounds like a hardcore Capricorn lmao my man is a Capricorn but not enough to break up with me for work he’d quit his job and get a new one if I asked him to lmao

You're a bigger bullshitter than OP's ex. I'd wipe my ass with the horoscope section if newspaper wasn't a risk of blocking my toilet.

genuinegoodguy 9

That just doesn’t ring true but I hope you come back stronger from the experience.

Sounds like you are distracting him from work... so he actually isn't the one for you if he's leaving.

peterblack67 9

If you believe that line of crap then I have some swampland you might like.