You what now?

By tryena - 28/02/2009 10:59 - United States

Today, I babysat a five year-old girl. She ran up to me, threw her arms around my waist and said, "YUMMY! I'm going to eat you!" with her face in my crotch. I said sarcastically under my breath, "Finally, some action!" I turned around to find her dad staring at me, having heard. He's my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 302
You deserved it 92 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fb_fml 0

Wow, who would even think of something like that with your 5-year-old relative, let alone say it out loud? That's right, FYL.

Melody_fml 0

#5 she had just gotten there. dont parents normally wait till the baby sitter is there BEFORE they leave?


#60, thanks, I wasn't sure whether it is or not. ;)

#70, yes it IS british humor. This kind of humor is defined by its... dryness? (I hope, this word exists, if not, you hopefully nevertheless will know what I'm talking about.) And over all by its sarcasm, and that's what I see, when I look at this FML.

Man, that's a messed up thing to say, even for a quick "laugh". You deserve to feel ******.

christinedoo 0

what the hell's wrong with you? does your local community college offer an introductory course in Common Sense and Decency?

0 3

That would be a really... weird... thing to say. Especially to yourself. I think what may have really happened is that this situation was played out, minus the comment, then the poster thought of the line later.

many women find this outrageous..however, I myself find it hilarious...clearly the incestuous part of it is creepy..but this is just awesome....what happened after he heard??

great stuff. hope you finally get some action from someone outside your ancestral tree.

bigrederin 0

That's not even funny. Hopefully you'll be getting some action in county. Don't drop the soap.

people should really look up Sarcastic in the dictionary.