By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


FFML_314 11
Brittany0989 0

I agree, smoking is a gross habit/addiction.

Raleigh_bruh 7

Anna, you hypocrite haha. :]

pancakesfordinne 0

In soviet Russia, we didn't bitch about little burns

woohoo four nipples for the win u can now breastfeed multiple babies congrats

Cheezcakes 0
lexy216 0
Haileyw15 0

YDI for smoking. Smoking is disgusting.

YDI wats the point of smoking if u don't get high

YDI for trying to be cool in front of your friends without using your bib.

agree with 1, YDI for smoking dam addicts

I agree OP. You deserve it for smoking, not only is it a nasty addiction, but it is also something that I thought would be stuck in the past by now. I am glad you got burned, those burns are a foreshadowing of what is happening to your lungs. YDI!!!

raptrboy23 0

That's one negative of a V-Neck shirt.

that's what you get for smoking, you ******.

KiddNYC1O 20

now you have 4 holes.. one on each lung and two on your chest, good job

fakeking2 0

YDI for smoking.if u didn't know smoking kills!!

fakeking2 0

smoking is a habit, blow it in the air ;P

sugarr0babby0 0

Well it wouldn't of happened if you didn't smoke. YOU DESERVED IT all the way !

XxAmygirlxX 0

The sad thing is, I don't smoke yet the same thing happened to me with a lit match. It hurt like hell!

smoking's gross, but maybe you should be more careful..

tjrocks1294 0

congrats you now have four nipples like a cow!

MrCalves 1

that's what you get for exposing other people to second hand smoke. karma is a bitch

um #102 I believe stuntin is a habit aswell

ydi for smoking . why do you care about a little burn while every time you take in a puff of that ciggarette your slowly killing yourself ? life is more important than a burn op .

exactly what #1 said , YDI for smoking

00yoda4 0

ydi for living in California

00yoda4 0

WTF 5 is gone what did it say

gaga_ooh_lala 0

great!!!! now that will go perfectly with your yellow stained teeth due to your smoking >_>

you all can **** off, I'll smoke whatever I want whenever I want. 420

KittehSayzRAWR 0

Wow, I was just about to say that!

morgan06 0

ill be the creepy perv guy pics so we can make sure.

Kiill3rQu33n16 0

ydi for smokin and bein clumsy. I have no pity for fools like you. :P

Apolloholix13 0

people need to calm down here, just look at the war of comments down below. it's ridiculous.

Thats what you get for smoking. Haha.

I agree with 81. Smoking gives your lungs two extra nipples

for all you saying ydi for smoking, it's like saying you get in a car accident and ydi for driving.. my two cents idc much about smoking, I myself so it once in a while but not often but op deserves it for being careless and letting the stogie fall :D

Sexywhiteboy 0

YDI for having fat nasty ****.

LaneyyLOVE 0

idk if anyone else agrees but I think ydi sounds better as youra dumb idiot ... instead of you deserve it . just saying(:

I smoked for many years and quit about 6 months ago. it's a dirty and expensive habit. Apparently dangerous too. Quit smoking. it's the best thing for you.

holy shit I just smoked what I wanted, any guesses? I'll give u a hint. it was marijuana!!!

I lost all four grandparents to smoking related illness and last Aug 24 I held my mother's hand as she died from lung cancer. Look at those burns and realize what's happening INSIDE you is WAY worse and get smoke-free! It's either that or you will have the ultimalte FML soon.

No 1- Thats a very small minded ignorant view. Someone does something you don't like so they deserve pain? great person you are, huh?

uv got it all wrong in solviet Russia u r are funny see it's the opposite

EDIT: /ignore Stupid Javascript. I curse thee

nyabya92 0

ydi for smoking you dumb bitch!!! YOU ARE POLLUTING THE AIR!!!!

haha everyone needs to shut up, if someone smokes they r not hurting u in any way so stop bitching

in soviet Russia cigarette smoke you!  ahhh chooo

dsnt matter if that happened because something worse is going to happen if you keep smoking.

awkwardepicfail 0

yeah OP. YDI for smoking. if you're gonna smoke do hookahs =P

yeah your the idiot who decided to smoke

keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.

paid2think 0

He deserves it for smoking faggots.

sugarr0babby0 0

Agreed with 2 and 80... 124, You fail.

Blame_The_Dog 0

128 lmao at the girl making the "west side" gang signs, you girls seem like fun haha.

ouchh tht might be the FIRST time tht happened

smiles4life 1

WTF is with all the soviet Russia comments?!?! just zip it no one cares about Russia it's seriously getting old with the comments ppl

JimmyWeir 0

In soviet Russia we kill men who talk bad about soviet russia. just ask the japs.

RedPillSucks 31

haha, OP. i wonder if it looks like a 3rd and 4rth nipple. :P

melizza 0

it's wacha get for smoking. you deff desereve it

u can smoke just don't smoke ciggarets

00yoda4 0

my uncle, grandpa, grandma, cusin, another cusin, a 3rd cusin, aunt, another aunt, brother, and father all died from cigars so I ******* HATE YOU. GO DIE IN A GOD-DANM HOLE YOU MOTHER ******* BITCH

ArtIsResistance7 1

I hate people who hate smokers! would you hate a fat person too, huh?! they're killing themselves as well, jackasses. and why would you hate someone who's only hurting themselves. hate makes people depressed and want to smoke more so **** haters

paid2think 0

who dosen't hate fat people nowadays.

FFML_314 11

I have no problem with fat people.

00yoda4 0

WOW my 11th relitive died from smoking goddanm cigars oh 267 I hope you like that I spelled danm right I hate my iPods autocorrect 209 yes the dog is dead but it is not from smokeing

qriztyy4747 3

were you wearing a really loose shirt?! ouch

Daerauko 0

in between her ****... one on each

xbrit551 13

I've done this before. It ******* sucks :(

the cigarette probably moved around because of gravity...