By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I went to the doctor, only to find out I can no longer eat chocolate, my favorite food. When I got home, my boyfriend took the chocolate cake I'd been eating from the fridge, sat down in front of me, and ate the whole thing without breaking eye contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 244
You deserved it 7 150

Same thing different taste


And OP can't have chocolate to make it better. Guess you'll have to get your serotonin the old fashioned way, OP, through lots of sex.

@1: That’s not depressing. I would call it "tough love".

A chocolate cake and extra sex? Your boyfriend has it made

that's actually pretty funny. Not gonna lie...

Animekid126 13

My question is why didn't she just leave the room if him eating the cake bothered her so much.

He's a heartless monster and a keeper

I think it would have bothered her whether she could see it or not. I think it's just the principle of it: him eating the cake right after she got that news. if I was him I'd wait at least a few hours so as not to be a douche

yerbduebeenehe 16

Not really... Just sounds like her boyfriend is a jerk

I'm sorry OP. At least there are still plenty of other desserts besides chocolate that you can have. FYL

Ice cream in a bathtub is a classic for a reason.

His ass took the bullet for you. He's going to have to run a lot of miles to wear that off!

He's a guy, so it will probably be taken care of by his metabolism.

juan3611 14

Not all guys got good metabolism..

82- yeah, but it's easier for guys to lose fat than women. a woman's body does not want to lose fat, in case it becomes pregnant.

DaMann360 19

He did you a favor. If he hadn't, the temptation would have taken you over and you would've eaten it. Take it as an act of love (even if it didn't have the best intentions).

A cruel act that has a silver lining, maybe, but really NOT an act of love, and self-deception to try to frame it as one. Unless, perhaps, OP is a masochist and her (his? the post doesn't specify) boyfriend thought that that kind of taunting would actually be appreciated. Otherwise, it would've been far more an act of love to give the remaining cake (and any other chocolate in the house) to a friend/neighbor/relative, or to throw it out. Or even for the boyfriend to sneak it to his workplace so he could finish it himself out of OP's sight.

Yes, let's throw out perfectly good good because OP can't eat it. Don't worry, hungry people will understand throwing away good food to spare OP's feelings.

"...or to throw it out." :O Not the chocolate cake! That should be a felony.

Soo... If we assume the whole act of eating a chocolate cake lasts around 20 minutes, she won't have sex with him for 20 minutes. Yeah. That'll teach him.

challan 19

You are suggesting a life with no sex and no chocolate... I hope you aren't a suicide prevention counselor.

JMichael 25

Well you never know challan, he/she could be.

I think I need to work on my sarcasm so people may understand I'm joking next time.

JMichael 25

I got 16 thumbs down for a peace gesturing smiley face. I cannot go right here :P

just so you know, you can't portray sarcasm over the internet because people only know it's sarcasm partly because of the tone of your voice, and partly because it's usually something a bit outrageous. denying sex because of that is not outrageous at all, although kind of stupid.

He is just laughing inside while eating it lol