Skincare routing

By Tomatoe Face - 22/04/2014 05:31 - United States - Antioch

Today, I used a facial mask for super sensitive skin, recommended by several friends with similar skin issues. Apparently, when the warning says, "May cause some slight redness for thirty minutes", it really means, "Your face will have hives and swell to twice its normal size for several hours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 467
You deserved it 4 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I used to use skin creams for acne and sensitive skin. I found it made my face worse.

Some people with sensitive skin can find those "natural" ingredients worse than the chemicals that are supposed to be bad. I do sometimes. But I also know if you have sensitive skin and are trying a new product, you ALWAYS DO A PATCH TEST. OP learn from this. I test near my elbow, then on a small section of face if unsure. Slathering it on your face is asking for trouble!


I used to use skin creams for acne and sensitive skin. I found it made my face worse.

Some people with sensitive skin can find those "natural" ingredients worse than the chemicals that are supposed to be bad. I do sometimes. But I also know if you have sensitive skin and are trying a new product, you ALWAYS DO A PATCH TEST. OP learn from this. I test near my elbow, then on a small section of face if unsure. Slathering it on your face is asking for trouble!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

One thing that actually really helps me with breakouts is African Black Soap, the kind wirh only organic ingredients. I think you can get it at Walgreens. (Just in case the OP or anyone else needs a new product to try, lol).

KVKdragon 26

Honestly, just try to find a product that works for you personally. All those ads saying that their lotions and acne remedies work for everyone are being intentionally misleading (it's never a guarantee). For me, I use Aquaphor (petroleum jelly with mineral oil) and clindamycin phosphate facial wipes to relieve my acne. I also use Acne Free ™ facial cleanser (with their affordable electronic spinning brush) after I shave to prevent or deter folliculitis

After I stopped using so much shit on my face and just started using literally just water and bioderma my face completely cleared and I haven't had a breakout since. I was born to be lazy.

sounds like a hair removal product my girlfriend used... lets just say we didn't have sex for a few weeks

Try doing something natural that you can whip up your self that way you know what's in it... I used a small amount of salt with mint tooth paste to clear up my skin (not exactly natural but you get the idea )

I have have no idea of how your gfs head being swollen and you guys not having sex is related. Have you considered that you're doing it wrong?

Um, I think he meant that she used the hair remover on her vag. Connect the dots pal.

Thank you, thought that sounded obvious but I guess not

#2 You should never use hair removal cream on or near your genitals. It states that on every packet ever. A big YDI for your girlfriend. Tell her to stick to shaving and professional waxes.

Maybe she's just allergic but yes I agree should should still see a dermatologist

Yeah I realize that I made an error... It's 7 in the morning and I haven't had coffee yet. But sorry OP

I have the same issue with "super sensitive hair remover" - I just avoid anything perfumed these days and use plain aqueous cream as a moisturiser. Never found a face mask that doesn't itch horribly. Sensitive skin sucks, good luck OP.

Hmm, my problem with hair removal creams is I think I could leave them on until I had chemical burns and they'd still only have removed 10% of my hair. Mine must be stubborn.

yoursucklives 36

maybe you left it on for too long? or it was an allergic reaction? i once used some creme for my knee which could cause a burning sensation. but in my case it caused my knee to get bright red and burn with the force of a thousand suns for about an hour, because i was allergic to it.

Yeah i don't trust facial masks..for good reason clearly

And this is why you always do a small test patch before slathering a new product over sensitive skin... But really though, FYL. I hope it wasn't horribly painful and/or itchy OP. It sounds like a nightmare.

agsilver 14

You couldn't face the pain could you?

ZY1431 24

thats not a good thing. id see a doctor.