By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 17:30 - United States

By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 17:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Montgomery
By mperrotta913 - 21/05/2010 15:46 - United States
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 09:53 - France
By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 05:45 - United States
By blueballs - 14/09/2012 00:06 - United States - Santa Clarita
By notsohandy - 03/01/2014 22:08 - Denmark - Hadsten
By katie - 25/05/2011 08:23
By Anonymous - 30/12/2015 15:21 - Canada - Aurora
By bootyislife - 16/06/2015 20:01 - United States - Lynnwood
By lovely - 19/12/2011 06:43 - Netherlands
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Show it anywayWell if your load lands in her eyes, she'd have a different thing to cry about.
It's totally his fault, obviously his privates weren't appealing enough.. that's what bows and strings are for, make it look like a gift. No one cries when they get gifts, unless it's some slimy droopy penis... .. I'm sorry OP, not even bows and strings would've helped you here
It's tradition. First handie of the New Year, the girl has to be bawling her eyes out or you'll both have bad luck for the rest of 2012.
Dear god, you raped her hand!
Actually he got raped by the hand as he told her to stop :/
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Show it anywaySperro-you are wrong.
130 not true at all
You're silly. Of course they can be considered rape victims. They can get raped.
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Show it anywayAsshole
130, I'm going to Try assuming you Thought that the Word of the Law, once long ago, may have said Something similar to that, because it Almost sounded like you don't think a man having sexual contact Forced on him by any gender, is rape. I mean, you don't Really think that, right? :(
Well, everyone, 142 and Spaerro have gone ahead and agreed to show us the definition of "dumbass" rather than that of "rape". rape is a forced sexual act. That's it.
Tyger44- YOU my friend, are wrong.
I gave your comment a thumbs up since every damn person on here thumbs down everything. THIS ISN'T A THERAPY WEBSITE PEOPLE.
I'm laughing at the girls on here trying to defend rape as something that only happens to them. "No!! You can't have our tragic, life-changing event! We want to be the only people who can be raped!!" Y'all ever heard of getting raped in prison? Federal Pen isn't coed ladies. Dropping the soap refers to two men. Sorry to burst your stupid, naive, misinformed bubble.
guys can get raped too. not all girls think alike, shit.
#17 best comment ever LOL
130- there was a story I read about in India a couple weeks ago, 3-4 women ambushed a waiter and raped him (forced themselves onto him). When he was finally found, his penis was so messed up, it wouldn't do him any good. If a woman can overtake a man, there's little to nothing that can stop us from getting a hard on.
Legal and dictionary definitions aren't identical. Law is interpreted different ways in different places. It's a fact that anyone could be victimized by rape. Men can be raped by women and men, and the same is true for women victims.
I hope everyone who thinks only women can be raped is now educated. you think those boys weren't raped by those catholic priests?Let's look out for everybody's human rights.
Ya men can get raped anyone hear of the salon owner beating up the guy that tried to rob her store then kept in in the back room tied up for days and forced him to do sexual things... If that isn't rape I don't know what is and a woman did it to him lol and yes in court it was considered rape
Well apparently it's WRONG! You should try looking at the real answers. Men can get raped too. You really don't know your words.
@204: Heard of the story, but it was fake. Just the part that he was tied back there for weeks and only fed Viagra as food should have been a red flag that the story was concocted (like many of the FMLs we read here :P).
Your hot
Whats ur #
Hi eyeloveyou
Men can get raped genius...
Even I know that's not true... I'm only 13
Then it would be molestation dumb ass.
False, unwanted entry into a bodily orifice
When I went to college we had to go through this whole rape crap. Apparently rape is "penetration" so that means basically guys can really only be raped by other men. We had a long discussion on why it's practically impossible for a woman to rape a man. I think that's what a lot of the confusion comes from. Both men and women can be rape victims, but only men are rapists. Ops girlfriend molested him. Okay lesson over, carry on.
There's a term out there called "made to penetrate" and cases like that happen alot more often than it seems women can be rapists too. Over half of the men questioned refused to talk about it but did admit that they were "made to penetrate".
**** you #130
s and m!
You forgot "p".
What the hell is S&M&P? How many weird fetishes are around these days?
Yeah doesn't that suck when you accidentally rape someone?
S, M, and P? Umm... maybe it stands for Suck My Penis?
Shiny Metal Privates?
guys, Stop Making Phrases!
Some Moronic People?
Sterile Man Parts
Do I need to repeat myself? Stay Muzzled, People!
Oh no! I've started a chain reaction! They said it would happen but I didn't listen.. :S
Sadism,Masochism and idk what P is O.o
Beauty & The Beast (you)
Tears make the best lube.
that awkard moment when ur gf starts crying while giving u a handjob?
Not everything is awkward -.-
Doesn't matter, got handjob.
It sounds like she raped herself with your dick
I am tired of the FMLs where someone gets lucky. If you are having sex then your life is better than mine so stop complaining.
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Show it anywayOr how about no.
It seems like a bittersweet situation....
Cant wait to hear what she does during a *******...
Chokes and ends up in an ambulance. Feel like a monster now, OP?
Well. . Did it feel good?
This comment was stupid, and for that I apologize.
Eggs Benedict
39 - . . . wh- what?
It was an uber troll, calm your ****.
Too small? WTF I would have lost my hard-on if that was me!
I agree lmao it woulda gone from sex mode to careing mode
*crying girlfriend* I just wanted to make you happy! Why don't you think I'm sexy??
Don't feel like that! It was her choice! C:
You're a monster. A beautiful monster. Probably why she insisted that she continues.
Did she use her tears as lube?