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By thejanamonster - 30/12/2013 19:48 - United States - Geneva

Today, my boyfriend found an old nude of me on his best friend's PS3. I had no idea this guy existed until we moved in with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 069
You deserved it 10 092

thejanamonster tells us more.

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. The nude was taken and sent to an ex that I thought I could trust before I had even met my boyfriend. The "friend" got it from a friend of his that supplies nudes of girls from the city I moved from. The reason I had no idea who the guy was is because he moved to a different state before I met my boyfriend, but they've been friends for a really long time. My boyfriend took it relatively well and things are perfectly fine between us. Hope this clears up some questions I've seen.

Top comments

This happens to me all the time. My stalker takes nudes of me as I undress in front of the open window, do yoga in the nude, watch TV nude, comment on FML in the nude...


Just a question to OP, if you take nude pictures and send to people that obviously won't keep them for them self, don't you think you deserve it?

She obviously trusted the person she sent it to if she felt confident nobody else would see it.

Better her boyfriend find it on a PS3 than the NSA find it on an Xbox One!

Cadillac4427 8

I can only imagine how you manage to type and remember your Username(#58) if you were to ever "accidentally " get logged out....:>)

Axel5238 29

She may have trusted the person, but some tend to "trust" rather easily and are ignoring the red flags before sending that stuff. Especially with they way things are now really stop sending that stuff out.

Llamacod 11

Who says she gave anyone any nude pictures? Did I miss that part of the fml?

#76 if she sent the nude to an ex-boyfriend or something, then she should be able to trust him and if he distributed it then that's a betrayal of her trust and she doesn't deserve it. Anyway as #78 pointed out we have no way of even knowing how her boyfriend's best friend got the nude

Just a quick question do your parents know you have this app? Umm your profile says GUY from Sweden uh no you mean little tiny boy from sweden, you should not be on this app you are too young.

That is creepy beyond all belief! I hope your boyfriend was as surprised!

He was probably the one that sent it to him

Her boyfriend "found an old nude", it doesn't really sound like he passed it on. Maybe a different ex?

And I heard this one story where this chick found a guy so gullible he believed an invisible being impregnated her...

maybe that was the only way she could get laid :'(

#44 then the bible was made now 40%(I think) of the US believes that

I'm sorry op.. I wonder who he got it from though?

I think it's pretty obvious. He hired a man named Fred to spy on her and figure out her daily schedule. Then, with his dead brother's assistance, he broke into her house when no one was inside and planted a bomb. The next day, when OP was in the shower, he called her father and explained to him that there is a bomb in his home. He then told him to supply a picture of his daughter within a week or he will blow up the house. The father had no choice but to comply. Her never said the picture had to be naked though.

That is the best detective work I've seen in all my years at the force. You're hired, son. Do our country proud.

And I would have gotten away with it too if I didn't split screen!!!

I could say the same thing about your profile picture ;-). What is it?

Its a face mask. I have one with a skull like Ghost from CoD.

isn't this what private messages are for...?

Huh? We need to know who he got it from!

StompinOnCrayons 15

Secret sources ... *cough cough* from lingering outside OP's bathroom window with a cameraphone - but you didn't hear it from me

Cassmoneyyy 15
SherlockWho 6

Might want to move out OP.....