By notsohandy - 03/01/2014 22:08 - Denmark - Hadsten

By notsohandy - 03/01/2014 22:08 - Denmark - Hadsten
By Anonn - 23/02/2009 13:14 - Australia
By Anonymous - 14/03/2013 16:59 - Germany - Dortmund
By Korisite - 30/10/2011 05:31 - United States
By thanks. - 28/01/2017 04:00
By Bjax - 11/10/2017 16:00
By Anonymous - 01/10/2019 12:00
By Steve - 13/06/2012 21:30 - United States - Lake Charles
By Anonymous - 30/08/2023 22:00
By Anonymous - 26/04/2015 07:09 - Australia - Burwood
By paidback - 25/12/2009 01:10 - United States
Just start masturbating beside her next time
How romantic.
ew thats disgusting
Beat me to it.
#38 ... The FML commenter is truly a fascinating species. Think about it in a non-masturbatory way.
It's called a "joke."
I thought jokes were meant to be funny... Stupid me
And I thought the other guy was the one who didn't detect a joke. xD
best advice.
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Show it anywayidk 84 sex is starting to occur in younger and younger age groups...
Lmao and see where it leads
You are 15. whatever sex advice you have its invalid
OP this is great advice. It always work for my boyfriend and I. Or next time don't ask of she needs help. Just kiss her. That way you're not exactly pushing yourself in her but she knows you're willing to help her out. And #76 you're way too young to actually know if that turns you on yet. Even if your sexually active, which I hope to God you're not, you're just developing a taste for what you like. It'll take several years and change as time goes by. You might not find it hot now but later you may find yourself sneaking into the bathroom and watching your boyfriend while he's in the shower. Give it time.
I dated a guy once that went in the other part of his basement room, that had no door but no lights either, to jerk off cause I was out of commission for the week and had just gotten an oral piercing. it was nothing short of awkward and slightly disturbing. I guess he thought I wouldn't realize what he was doing...less than 10 feet away.
114, I agree that a 15 year old probably isn't the best person to go to for sex advice but I wouldn't call it "way to young to know what turns you on". Even if people aren't sexually active, they have a general idea of what kind of things turn them on and what kind of things turn them off even if it will change over time. Plus the legal age is 16 so, while 15 is a young age to be sexually active, I wouldn't say it's ridiculously young.
Each to their own I guess, I understand where you're coming from. I think it depends on the individual though- it's true that lots of 16 year olds are not mature enough to be having sex, but there are also some who are. :)
Well, I thought partners were meant to help with pleasure. I've been wrong all this time it seems.
I'm w you if my man did that to me I'd slap him.
56, I'm confused with your response. Based off the fact it has nothing to do with the thread. Would you not want your man to help you?
I feel like if he didn't respond that way, she'll find another way to be mad at him anyway. Like... "You see me masturbating but don't offer to lend a hand?"
Men! We don't know what we said!
She was most likely embarrassed, most women do it at night to fall asleep. When her man woke up and offered help, she probably was shocked, frazzled, and just wanted to sleep. I promise you OP, she won't stay "mad" at you long. If she wanted a fun time she would have done the normal thing and woke up at an unreasonable time, but I seems more logical she just was trying to pass out easily. Ah, women...
i'm a woman myself, but i never mastubated to fall asleep, and none of my female friend ever told my something similar, so i don't thing "most women" do it. but you could be right, maybe she wanted to ****** and then fall asleep, and wasn't in the mood for sex. why she would call him a pervert for offering a hand is still beyond me, though.
Nice family guy reference, #94
she was obviously just embarrassed that she had been caught!!
#101, I'm a woman as well. I do it to pass out, and most friends don't talk about such things with each other. But when you're young and you want to find out if it's even normal to touch yourself, you stumble on to forums and internet articles that do in fact support what I just stated. (I am no longer a confused teen, and am now married and understand my body a lot more. But I research everything, which is why I stated the information above.) Just because you don't, and you friends never brought it up, doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, by many different women. In addition I think she was just embarrassed, and attacked him without thinking. Just a reflex. Just my two cents.
Last reply from me, when I said most women do it. I don't mean that they do it every night. I should have worded it, "That most women have done it, to help get to sleep". I do apologize for the confusion, I can see how that went awry.
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Show it anyway....What.
I think she is trying to say that he is already being rejected for sex, so when they do get married, he will never have sex. Or she is being judgmental and saying, "how dare you sinners have sex before marriage!"
I have no words to describe how epic this comment is. So I'm just going to clap it out. *claps*
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Show it anywayOr she could've used the big stick that's up her ass.
That's a hilarious! Obviously she has no sense of humor!!
I'm pretty sure that lack of sense of humor isn't the problem here.
Something tells me you're not old enough for this website
Pfft, you're silly. She obviously has one if she was able to call him a pervert.
#43 i think you missed the sarcasm...
Next time just poke her.
Some girls just gotta concentrate.
Just start masturbating beside her next time
She's a independent woman who don't need no man to get her freak on.