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By spellbound - 19/12/2012 14:59 - Australia - Perth

Today, someone painted the "Dark Mark" on the side of my car. It won't come off and my kids refuse to get in because it means "a wizard died in there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 592
You deserved it 4 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awesome, if I were you I'd go all out and just make it a death eaters art car. Or if you're too scared you can put a red circle with a slash through it and make it a Dumbledore's army car. :)

perdix 29


That's awesome, if I were you I'd go all out and just make it a death eaters art car. Or if you're too scared you can put a red circle with a slash through it and make it a Dumbledore's army car. :)

THIS IS GENIUS! the Dumbledor part i mean

unknown_user5566 26

Squibs? Naw, man. They're almost as bad as Mudbloods. (Only kidding, in case a hardcore fan takes offense to this).

And some vandals appreciate it far too much


I think they appreciate Harry Potter plenty, to paint the Dark Mark on the car

Do not worry #3, as tough as it is, I am sure Billy Mays had a product for this.

BellaBelle_fml 23

May he rest in peace in the great infomercial in the sky…

Get yourself a sticker to cover it up until you get it fixed.

Well prepare to have Harry Potter fans scowling at you until you have it removed.

perdix 29
Hiimhaileypotter 52

He'll pay it with a nice big "avada kedavra"

Technically, because books' events happen in the present, Voldy is both dead AND alive :D

jellycorn 13

What about Mrs Skowers All-Purpose magical mess remover?

unknownfork 12

#46 - Harry Potter takes place in the 90's.

kxxjoejoexxk 8

I dont blame the kids i wouldnt ride in a car with a death eater

actually, that would have been a mudbloods car, or maybe a blood traitor.

Bloody hell OP! Tell your kids the car can fly too. If not buy a dragon.

Forget dragons! He could just learn to make a portkey!

Forget dragons. Hippogriffs are so much better.:3

You're all wrong. The Floo and Toilet Network are a better choice because they're economical. Think Green! (no pun intended my Slytherin friends)

jellycorn 13

Or you could take a thestral or hippogriff. Such a pity they outlawed the old flying carpet.. Always the good ol' fashioned broomstick, though. Hear the new Nimbus is alright.

Re-read the fml 10. It clearly said that 'someone' did it not her kid. And we don't even know if she or he has kids

GingerPanda94 6

THANK YOU 51!! Someone else noticed, I took too long to sign in. 50 careful what you say in your comments when you are doing the exact same as those you are replying too... That's called being a hypocrite.

Ok I apologise. My bad. I need to read properly and slowly. Again in sorry for being a hypocrite