By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 19:10 - Israel
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 02/03/2010 21:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/08/2011 04:28 - United States
Weird logic
By lazy lazy lazy! - 08/05/2023 00:00
By Anonymous - 30/01/2015 17:41 - Canada
By oh dear - 25/10/2009 09:06 - France
By Anonymous - 26/11/2023 00:00
By anonymous - 02/02/2010 17:32 - France
By Anonymous - 28/03/2015 04:39 - United States - Madison
By failure as a parent - 11/05/2013 21:19 - United States - Bound Brook
By baldspot - 02/04/2012 05:38 - Australia
Top comments
Wow. Physco child!
Lighting a garbage bin on fire is easier .
I recommend therapy and a hard dose of discipline.
Honestly I feel sorry for OP's daughter. I don't want to be stereotypical or anything, but being a lazy woman is going to bring a lot of hardship. I know this because my uncle is married a lazy woman who doesn't clean or cook and waits for him to come home from work to cook. He complains about her all the time even when she's there. Its pretty sad. I wouldn't want my husband talking about me that way.
Kids can't do anything right these days..
56 - Good point. Having the values of cleanliness and hard work instilled young is good. Not that I agree that the woman should be doing all of the cooking, but if one partner in a relationship stays home (male or female), then I believe it is their prerogative to take care of the bulk of the household work. I'm a slightly lazy housekeeper (dust builds up, I wait until dog hair tumbleweeds float around to vacuum), but my kitchen and bathroom are always spotless, and the rest of the house is acceptably tidy.
Psycho? I would be mad too, if I had to sleep in a garbage bin.
#56 why doesn't your Uncle leave her because neither partner should expect the other to do everything
I'm left wondering how old psycho child is! Although, I'm the one who sleeps in it, so I've never seem why it should be up to someone else if my bed is made. Maybe the child thought the same.
67, he was planning on it since my cousins are old enough, 16 and 18, but then she got pregnant with my baby cousin who's 3 now, and since she doesn't work, my uncle is the only one bringing anything to the table. I know people think "you shouldn't do it because of the kids it'll hurt more" but it's hard because where is his wife going to go? so yeah, that's why he didn't end up leaving.
I wouldn't live to see the next day if that was me
anyone ever seen any of the nanny shows? Its almost always the parents fault for allowing their kids to be lazy. Because they don't want to put forth the effort to get them in line. Then at a late teen year, the parents try to get involved and over do it, confusing the kid who then lights things on fire. . . not saying what the little shit did was ok but I don't feel bad for OP at all. My mother was one of those moms that were too involved in their own life to teach us kids how to be self sufficient, how to really clean and the joy of keeping things clean. Our home was never clean. The only time we cleaned it was for punishment, I am 32 and still feel like cleaning is a chore/punishment I struggle with all the time. I love my house being clean and its so emotionally fulfilling when it is but I HATE doing it.
79 that sounds like a big coincidence that, your uncle was ready to leave and then she gets pregnant? Hhhmmm... I'm having visions of her sitting in the bathroom, poking holes in all their condoms. Can you say "Trap"? I can. She trapped him, she planned it all. It was a set up. Feel bad for your uncle. Maybe she should pull her finger out of her arse, see her GP for some blood tests on deficiencies she could have. Something, Anything is better than nothing.
Who cares if she doesn't make her bed right? She should be the only one seeing her bed unless she invites someone else into her room or if she shares the room with a sibling. Its her bed. Even minors need to have choices in life, and one of those might be chosing whether or not to make her bed. It won't hurt anyone if she doesn't make it. She probably has other things on her mind. You never know what other people are going through. It seems like she has a lot of anger (cuz she lit the fire) so maybe she is hiding sadness? Who knows? Either way, she probably just needs someone to talk to, a therapist perhaps.
I'd be a dead child
Well... that shows you, I guess...
You just won life
See it's shit like that which makes someone burn with rage
Hey the fire is already started. Make her watch as her bed sheets burn.
Seems she got a little heated.
Bed sheets are replaceable. I was thinking as her phone melted.
Lighting a fire is way simpler and less time consuming than trying to make a bed. Jeeze, that's such a waste of a good 15 seconds when I wake up when I could be setting fire to shit.
#25 no way this kid would just watch her phone melt, she'd at least try to save it
That's genius! Burn her shit!
It seems like it was a miscommunication mistake. Next time you'll have to give her detailed instructions about how to make her bed. Just don't forget to include the "DO NOT LIGHT OUR GARBAGE BIN ON FIRE" step.
I don't know about you but it sounds to me like your daughter may need some therapy.
Therapy called parenting
Oh my god OP, sounds like a nightmare. I'm thinking its time for some tough love.
I feel a new horror movie about a girl who burns down a city in the works. Based on a true story, of course.

Wow. Physco child!
Your request got her fired up, it seems.