By itsover - 11/12/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me via Facebook. I don't even have Facebook. My friends had to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 479
You deserved it 3 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was scared to tell you face to face, such a pussy.

PSQ91 6


PSQ91 6

YDI for not having facebook. Your friends would have had to tell you if you had had facebook.

Well is it required in the book of life to have a facebook? I guess bosses in the 90s were waiting for the invention of facebook so that they could fire all of their employes all with one message.

Well is it required in the book of life to have a facebook? I guess bosses in the 90s were waiting for the invention of facebook so that they could fire all of their employes all with one message.

Oops looks like i have posted my comment on another FML...shoot my regrets.

iSitt 0

I don't do facebook either. Is it as bad as not having a phone 50 years ago?

missabbey 3

#9 I dont have a Facebook and ur not required to have one stupid

He was scared to tell you face to face, such a pussy.

since he hasn't told you himself. wrap a box of (insert favorite item here) for him. if he has the gonads to tell you fine. if he just tries to happily open the box. lift a foot in praise towards previously mentioned testes

Next thing you know, people will be breaking up through telepathic messages. Sad really..

I remember whenever people used to break up via telegraph STOP ahhhh STOP the good ol' days STOP

afallingstar 22

ones in the real world not facebook

mintcar 9

Wow, what a jerk. He didn't even have the audacity to break up with you properly... He's a coward and you're better off without him.