By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 16:30 - Saudi Arabia - Jiddah

Today, by pure chance, I found the website where my boyfriend has been getting all the cute, "original" romantic texts he sends me, including the one that made me fall in love with him to begin with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 396
You deserved it 10 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Damian95 16

At least he put some form of effort into it!

Yeah! I really don't see this as being an issue, maybe he just needed some helping being romantic.

zero4life123 7

Anyone else wondering what site that was?

maniaccy 8

I'd think of it like this : he went out of his way, risked being exposed to those that use the same computer, found the text he thought was perfect for you and made that effort to send it to you. Unlike any other douche that texts bullshit just to sound good.

Maybe he actually writes those texts himself but posts them on a website or blog before sending them to OP?

I don't know, but there is an app called MessageMe... Kinda the same..

Well I mean if she falls in love with someone from a text...

Yeah 73 a relationship should never be about texting. Especially starting one. It needs physical interaction, actual communication. I don't understand how people can have relationships like this. Times are changing I guess...

It's a form of communication. I don't see the problem if two people make it known they are interested in another and then pursue a physical relationship afterward.

At least he makes an effort to be romantic?

True that, if I found out my boyfriend was copying sappy love quotes off the Internet for me I'd feel honored he put in that much effort.

zed34 18

Could have by "pure chance" found something far worse than that...

Medd_fml 13

You guys are making the internet so much tamer than it is

Cocoapelli 23

I just had the best laugh I've had in a while on your landmine response #51. Thank you.

MrSarcasmic 10

but he put so much time and effort into finding ways to woo you. why so mad op?

because she has nothing else to complain about obviously

dontyawishyaknew 12

Yeah, I just don't see how this is an issue. I see it as at least he cares enough just to try. It could be much worse.

one of the few instances where doing your hw can get you in trouble. = /

38, the issue is that he created a false impression. He couldn't have written the text himself, so it is understandable why the girl is upset - he pretended to be someone else. On other hand, I seriously dislike the fact that the girl couldn't see through that trick. One copy-pasted text made her "fall in love with him" (just a text, not his personality, character, attitude)? And she didn't notice that the text wasn't his? No offense, but I wouldn't want to date a woman like that. In the end you could say those two deserve each other. The guy was desperate enough to "steal" somebody else's text, and the girl wasn't smart enough to notice the trick. Couples these days...

Exacly! Why not??? Op has a romantic bf but not a poet! The only problem will be if he claimed that he wrote them from the heart..

"Pure chance" that's what they all say.

onealmxwilson 18

"I was snooping through his browsing history, thoroughly inspecting every website, when I accidentally discovered the website he was using to get romantic texts."

Barriaultcory 16

Maybe you shouldn't fall for cheesy lines

rg350dx 29

Or fall in love over a text message.

Mister_Triangle 21

You guys don't understand, he said he'd love her 5ever

Oh 93, if I could thumb you up multiple times I would - that killed me. I hate those stupid chain stories so much but this made them slightly less painful.

"Romantic texts" is kind of an oxymoron. This is what passes for romantic these days?

Exactly what I was thinking... Who falls in love over a text??

MrSarcasmic 10

all the12 year olds who aspire to be on teen mom

Well, kind of. In a lot of cases, they can work similarly to love letters. If someone wrote out a long, heartfelt letter to you, wouldn't you find it romantic or at least thoughtful? Imagine someone who would regularly write original, romantic letters to you. You'd enjoy that, right? And if you found out that someone else had written those letters for him, you'd have been upset, correct? That is basically exactly what happened here, just with a different media.

9 and 21, so you guys have never talked to a partner through texts? If you have and you don't bother to make them romantic sometimes then that's kinda sad...maybe texts seem more informal to you but they're just another way of communicating. I only get to see my boyfriend at the weekends and even then sometimes I don't because we don't live that near so being able to text him whenever really makes all the difference. I get a semi-romatic text every morning but it feels great to get the extra romantic texts out of the blue and know the other person is thinking of you.

I don't see the problem here. Sure, he got the texts off of a website but he wouldn't have texted them if he didn't mean it. Not everyone is a romantic. Besides, it's the thought that counts!

Except there's no thought to it, since he plagiarized the texts rather than bothering to speak from his heart.

Well at first he was trying to impress her. Maybe he felt like he needed to be extra impressive, and then she just started to expect it? But yes, I do see your point. He should have spoken from his heart. It would have meant more to her.

What are you talking about? Hallmarks made a fortune writing what people feel but are unable to express in their own words. (Love ballads do the same thing.) Damn you, Bruno Mars! "I should have bought you flowers"

hotPinklipstick 24

@10 I agree. My husband is NOT romantic, and he is horrible at putting his feelings into words. He sends me poems he reads that makes him think of me, and often sends me things others have written. I see no problem with this because at least he makes the effort to be somewhat romantic. Not every one is great at expressing how they feel and sometimes feel that they can't find the right words to say, so they seek ways to help. There is nothing wrong with that. It's like dedicating a song to someone, they appreciate it and it makes them feel loved. Why would OP get upset over that. Her boyfriend obviously took the time to find something that he felt described his feelings for her, at least he put forth the effort.

So what, OP? Might want to consider whether you're being just a little too demanding or get ready for a lonely lonely life!!