By talktothefacecausethehandswanking - 22/06/2013 18:54 - Korea, Republic of - Seoul

Today, my husband decided he would rather rage-wank to my mum's Facebook profile picture than make love to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 525
You deserved it 5 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like the phrase "rage wank." It paints a lovely picture.

flockz 19

when you say rage wank i imagine a man furiously masturbating while making guttural whale mating calls. thank you for that.


Sir_ND_Pity 35

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CallMeWindSock 24

You had your chance at being first... And that's what you came up with.

Neyuu 18

The pressure of being first was just too much.

oh that sucks OP :( that's gotta sting...

Major red flag right there! Show him the door.

yawateverok 10

i dont understand? she looks like her momy so its a compliment

Divorce him. Just hope he doesn't become your new step dad

The_Piquerist 7

Damn that sucks. Perhaps u need to spice things up a bit though. Or he just wanted a quickie so sometimes just a bj will do.

Good idea. Maybe a rage ******* with extra teeth, OP?

gloooooria 14

Spice things up? By taping a picture of her mother to her face. Yeah, that sounds good.

DyslexicPanda 12

I don't think you quite know what's going on here, 4...

He's got his priorities a little mixed up.

How does one even rage-wank? Like what's the purpose of that?

DKjazz 20

It's like furious masturbation. He's not angry. "Furious" and "rage" describe the fervor of the wank.

Looks like someone needs a new partner

I like the phrase "rage wank." It paints a lovely picture.

Dude, a rage-wank is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Trust me I'm a scientist.

I have a masters in Wankanomics. I will back your statement.

I have a masters degree from Bater university. I shall also back this statement!

rickyblair 16

Rage wank? What even is that?

You don't even want to know... keep your innocence lol

Wizardo 33

He just wants to release all of his pent up rage all over the face that pisses him off the most, which also happens to be your mums face...