Gamergate 1.0
By Lucie - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn
By Lucie - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn
By I warned him - 19/12/2014 02:39 - United States - Marietta
By Anonymous - 01/02/2011 18:52 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/07/2009 19:06 - United States
By Zora - 15/07/2012 23:13 - Norway - Bergen
By GamerTag - 02/10/2012 13:11 - United States - Wantagh
By gibbette - 28/04/2013 17:32 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai
By get a job - 24/06/2024 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 20:21 - United States - Slidell
By Anonymous - 07/09/2010 05:00 - United States
By Popscene - 18/03/2025 06:00 - Australia - Gold Coast
I'd kick him in the iNuts
And he'd take you to iCourt
unless you guys were being extremely loud and causing a scene, they shouldn't have thrown you out. That is just bsd customer service
#25, is that a linux pun? OP put on your 'Fedora', grab a cup of 'Ubuntu', and get far away from Apple products. Just my two 'CentOS'.
#56, no I don't even know which word would be a pun. #im old :(
@69 BSD probably...
Not sure why #75 got downvoted, 'BSD Free' is a linux distribution, and that typo was the inspiration of my joke.
#47-Maybe you need to get smacked, asshole.
So I assume he won?
Male hormones won.
A man who has to have the last word is an overcompensating man.
And boom goes the dynamite.
Just my thought. Too often guys get at each other in a pissing match. It's so childish, like they're insecure of either being wrong or having their self imposed image of grandeur destroyed. A real man has class, not fits.
Agreed, a real man will listen to another man's opinion, respect it and go on to give his point of view & discuss further. I think that Alpha males deserve a mention here. As does the debate of nature Vs nurture, when speaking about personality traits, characteristics and how one forms & voices their opinions. Strong protectors, defenders and providers, Alpha males command respect, compliance and loyalty from others. Their displays of dominance & strength, both physical and mental mixed with testosterone often lead to confrontations with other strong willed individuals where, eventually one will emerge victorious.
Well **** you're like a living breathing discovery channel aren't ya!
Some arguments really just should stay on the internet...
Says who?
Couldn't have said it better, ashalayx.
Tasteless joke: Arguing online is like running the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
You never truly win an argument on the Internet. I've tried many times and it doesn't work.
It's even better when it stays in your head :)
You just went full retard. Never go full retard.
Some asshole told everyone I called him a ****** at school because of an argument on the Internet
At least the boy has passion about something...
So, the "Genius" bar it was?
It seems the bar is significantly lower than what one would expect.
"It's Ellen Page in Beyond Two Souls!" "No, it's Ellen Page in The Last of Us!" "She wasn't actually IN that game, Genius!" "I'm not the one who thought that Samus Aran was a guy, Genius!"
the voice in The Last Of Us is Ashley Johnsen and Ellie are only inspired by Ellen Page who later told in an interview that she had not given Naughty Dog the thumbs up about it. So no, she only appeared in Beyond Two Souls
I'm pretty sure that's what I just said.
What is it they say about imitation? Sincerest form of flattery, yes?
Sounds like something my husband would do, I sympathize OP ;-)
The word is "Empathy". Empathise is the word you're looking for. Or Empathize, if you're American.
57 there was a comment before mine that said ***enpathize*** it's not here now though...Curiouser and curiouser. . Oh, and I can't help the pedanticism, I have OCED. I cannot help myself.
Unfortunately this stuff while sounds cute, if the OP's bf persisted the store probably would have called the cops to remove him. This isn't stuff that should be thought of as cute. Most places takes this very seriously and will either ban you, get security to detain you and/or call the cops for causing a disturbance and have you arrested.
so who won the argument?
You don't know the power of a waifu~
So I assume he won?
Some arguments really just should stay on the internet...