Strict household

By pathetic_girl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I accidentally admitted to two girls in my first year university astronomy class that I have a strict 10pm bedtime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 954
You deserved it 34 037

Top comments

TaylorTotsYumm 10

There's nothing wrong with going to bed early.(:

psuboy 0

hopefully you go to a big school and you'll have more to choose from


what the hell? I didn't say that! Crikey!

15 - It's so ironic that you made a mistake considering that you think spelling errors are funny and sad at the sane time :) lol

and it's same, not sane. I find that ironic too lol

How is this a FML? Mine is 10:20pn sharp. and I get up at 5:50am sharp.

zerobahamut03 2

58: Unless you know something that I don't, his comment just got moderated. He didn't get banned.

xshadyshadow 0

41 - I spy with my little eye, something spelled horribly wrong...haha

psuboy 0

hopefully you go to a big school and you'll have more to choose from

thrAsHeRr9081 16
cyaneyedangel 2

55 what are you doing to your dog you dirty hamster... btw didn't know op was female maybe she has a fetish for wetting the bed wear a diaper

Hey, sometimes the girls wanna get a girl too. But it would still be embarrassing for a potential friend to know about a bedtime.

If she's attractive, then her bedtime is cute; if she's unattractive, it's weird.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

There's nothing wrong with going to bed early.(:

Beside the fact you miss all the fun. They really shouldn't judge him negatively though. It's not like he's being forced to or something. Now that would be lame.

Ohnocurly 0

I wish I could be in bed before ten every night. There is nothing wrong with enjoying sleep. I don't think fun is limited to the late hours of the night.

It's nothing to be ashamed at! jk, it's pretty bad ._.

HamsteronA 0

BAD GRAMMER ALERT! It should be "nothing to be ashamed OF"

zerobahamut03 2

I like how most of the people who are grammar Nazi's can't spell grammar...

74: If you can't spell it, you're not really a Grammar Nazi.

****** alam on ya ass natzi,shit y'all pepole piss me off n by da way I have auto correct on my iPod I rite like this to piss u off,usualy I write like a normal person

ripjohnlennon 5

I'm tired of all the grammar Nazis

#90 I'm tired of all the rampant illiteracy. :)

grammar nazi him until he disides to quit

You used an extra apostrophe there. It's spelled Nazis.

thizzl3ear 0

next time you see them ask them if they wanna tuck you in and read you bed time story

tiptoppc 19

Yeah, TOTALLY not creepy or anything!

FYI, OP: your "strict" 10pm bedtime isn't going to last very long. You're in college now.

MasterOfTheXP 2

oh yeah...for your information. not a typo of fml and ydi. :P

#27, In America University and College are the same thing

How's that a fail? If someone said that to me I'd reply "I wish I could fall asleep that early". it's no big deal.


I left a reply on comment #12, which is now gone and my reply went to 11. So now it makes no sense at all.