By Anonymous - 01/01/2012 20:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Mike - 20/12/2017 01:30
Looking for another one!
By Anonymous - 20/12/2019 01:00
By Anonymous - 16/06/2013 16:14 - South Africa - Johannesburg
By lalalee - 18/02/2009 22:59 - United States
By fmfl - 17/11/2009 21:19 - United States
By Flandre - 23/12/2018 11:55
By CambodianAsshole - 25/12/2012 06:41 - United States - Placentia
By NorwegianMadman - 22/12/2016 11:55
By anonymous - 21/12/2009 19:23 - United States
By noononononono - 21/12/2015 23:52 - United States - Sacramento
Top comments
Ship it to me :P
Sell it to a Canadian on eBay. :)
You can exchange it op
It's probably for Tim Houston
Why would you need $200 towards coffee??
Kids get in the's going to be a long night...
203- Wait what?
256- 203 means he's going to drive to Canada to use his gift card.
It could be to Lulu Lemon as well ? :)
I'll take it too!
Don't you hate it when the op leaves out certain details for us curious ones?! I want to know what store this guy has $250 to!!
It's Tim hortons buddy -__-
It's Tim hortons. And it's delicious !
Probably Canadian Tire.
Just because Canadian tire has "Canadian" in it doesn't make it right. Also, what a lame ass present to a store that has junky decorations and kitchy repair jobs.
Well it's the thought that counts
Somehow I don't think he put much thought into it.
How ungrateful of the OP.
81- I think the father of op might be suggesting to visit him in Canada, if he lives there, or just to visit Canada in general.
Exactly! What if he works at the store, and is giving OP hints to go there! Go OP! Fulfill seeing your father! FULFILL YOUR DESTINY! *wheeze* *wheeze*
Why does everyone assume it was intentional? I live in Canada and I have no clue which stores exist in other countries. If it was intentional, the only possible reason would be to suggest a visit. It's not like he was unaware of what country his child lived in because he somehow got it to them.
Exactly! What a stuck up bitch
166, you're making a lot of assumptions as well. If it was a suggestion to visit or a simple mistake, the story wouldn't be on here. This is Fmylife after all, so we have to give some credit to the OP. Also, I don't see how those are the only two possibilities. Some parents just plain don't give a shit. The father of one of my friends doesn't see her or talk to her, but does send her expensive yet completely useless to her Christmas gifts, as if only to show off his wealth. Not everyone has a perfect family. Really, there would be no FML unless OP felt her father didn't put much thought into the gift.
Is it really a loss if the father was estranged?
Not much of a thought, then. If I were to get a gift card for someone out of the country, I'd damn well make sure the store first exists and that they honor the card as well.
191 - that was just the most likely reason why he would have bought a gift card for a Canadian store. Why else would he? Who would bother buying a $200 gift card for a Canadian store when they know it's useless when a gift card for a north American store is just as easy to get? But what I think happened is he made an honest mistake and just bought a card without thinking what countries that store exist in. I think the OP is just an ungrateful asshole who's bitching on the Internet because their gift is slightly wrong.
258 - Like I said, the way I understood it was that OP's life is ****** because her dad doesn't care enough to check whether that store exists outside of Canada, especially since OP said her place is "not even close". It's likely she doesn't live in America, since that's "close" , so it is pretty damn stupid to overlook that. Again, it just makes more sense that OP isn't just some idiot who only wanted to complain, which would be pointless. We could come up with assumed backstories that make all OPs look like little bitches to every fml if we wanted to.
3- spend more money to save money 30- thats meen 181- didnt think of it that way, good thinkin!
Don't you think he'd write for her to visit or communicate that in some direct way? If he wanted op to visit, he'd have said something.
This. The shipping might be a little expensive but you could just make sure the gift card covers it. Or sell it online to someone and get cash for it.
That's what I was thinking. He/She could get a Snickers bar with standard shipping.
That's what I thought! Yay Internet!
MrMisfit, you wobble between really funny and really bad :( Pick one side already!
Go online...
Or to Canada...
with the moose and the beavers and the igloos and the crazy hockey players that say "eh?" all the time.
that sucks.but maybe the store has a website that you could check out and spend the gift card on that.
YOUR picture is grammatically incorrect.
^ Any excuse to feign offense and act superior, right?
So she can't complain about the though being " I can't be bothered to remember where you live." People are becoming less companionate by the day. OP I'm sorry for you I would cry if that happened to me.
^ you must be awfully over-sensitive. I understand disappointment, but crying is a little excessive..
Whoa there lassie , stay calm.
83- obviously he knew where she lived otherwise the gift would have never got to her...
"It's the thought that matters"? Really? How much thought is put into walking into a store, picking up a clearly random giftcard, and walking out?
Maybe her dad just didn't know the store was exclusive to Canada.
255- that's what I was thinking. You guys need to calm down, it was most likely just an accident. I wouldn't be able to tell you if any of the stores where I live are available in canada. Op can just sell the card and get cash for it.
it's the thought that counts :)
It is the thought that counts but how much thought was put into a gift card for a store not even in your country? I always think about who I'm shopping for to get them something they'll like. It's the thought that counts when you actually think about what to get them.
222 - unless the store was "Canadian tire" is an honest mistake to forget or not know the store does not exist in the US.

Internet? The store could have a website you could order from
Ship it to me :P