By anonymous - 23/04/2013 21:07 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I went to my grandmom's house for an hour or so. When I came home, my boyfriend was on the bed, covered in the sheets and about to cry. Turns out he taped his ballsack to his leg and couldn't get it off because it "hurts too much." I'm 24 and he's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 421
You deserved it 5 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if he took a hot bath, warm water would make it easier to peel off.

flockz 19

i once heard from a monk that female saliva will just take the tape adhesive right off. trust him, he's a monk.


Well, if he took a hot bath, warm water would make it easier to peel off.

Slothapus 7

You sound very experienced in this matter....interesting.

then000bster 16

I'm pretty sure he taped it in a manner where if he moved it would cause severe pain. With this I doubt he could make it to the bathroom easily.

38, Once upon a time I used to live with a very moody house cat that had razor-sharp claws and demeanor of a royalty (you touch it - you bleed), so I used to wear plenty of band-aids. Band aids peel off in shower/bath. So for this dude it'll be the same thing, unless he used superglue or stapler. In case of "superglue", it'll peel off in a few days (skin constantly regenerates and dead cells fall off, so eventually pretty much anything will peel off), in case of a stapler, cement or something similar, there's 911/emergency phone.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

You have a genius on your hands! Lol

Sometimes us guys just don't know unless we try... I hope you helped him! Or at least took photos/videos for social networking purposes.

Well he's a moron. Hopefully he has some good qualities, but I don't think I would choose him to father children.

Megan639 16

Don't know why you were thumbed down, I was thinking the same thing.

I'm pretty sure he still has them attached thank you...

replies should be funny or witty... yours was neither...

Everyone ride on the bad comment train!

The quick rip... Its like waxing but maybe with some skin!

Tell him to man up and literally show some balls.

*Boyfriend whips out balls and shows them to OP* well that didnt solve anything, did you mean figuratively show some balls perhaps?

I do believe he meant you can't see them due to the tape

flockz 19

i once heard from a monk that female saliva will just take the tape adhesive right off. trust him, he's a monk.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

It took me way too long to get this.

flockz 19

you know what else is too long and pretty hard?

The monk fooled you. It's so the female's tounge gets stuck, too. Then someone calls him in for an *ahem* exorcism ;)

I think I just witnessed the elusive technologically-aided strangers-wingman... Haha

Imhere4fml 24

Can't imagine what he would do if you're gone the whole day...