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By KingUrge - 26/04/2013 08:36 - United States - Victorville

Today, as I was walking down the street, a car full of hot girls pulled up and asked if I wanted to party; obviously, I said yes. They then shot at me with party poppers and threw party food all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 418
You deserved it 9 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments can still say that you got to party with girls.

Well you should always expect the worst or random possibilities. Not saying it was your fault but, I am saying to look for things that are too good to be true.


Well you should always expect the worst or random possibilities. Not saying it was your fault but, I am saying to look for things that are too good to be true.

Agreed^^ besides, that stuff probably only happens in movies...

Have to agree with #1 here. Furthermore, I kinda don't agree on the "obviously, I said yes" part in this FML. Or am I alone in thinking that if a bunch of hot girls pull up next to a single guy, then there might be something fishy about them asking him whether he wants to party?

You'll have to excuse my friend he's a little slow, the town is back that way.

I agree with #1. If any stranger, let alone an auto full of them, offered me anything I would say no.

QuinnyZebrass 11

20- Don't worry, we'll catch our break too. Just gotta keep our eyes open :/ can still say that you got to party with girls.

wlddog 14

It sounds like an awesome surprise party to me. You didn't have to plan it,,, lots of hot girls were there,,, there was all kinds of excitement and party food,,, and you still had time to go home and shower before your evening plans kicked in.

Meenah_fml 4

Hey, you're pretty lucky. Some guys are into that. know you know some odd guys

..... I think you're confusing guys with pigeons.

Megan639 16

#24 That made me laugh really hard for some reason...

narkill 13

Well, you could say that was one hell of a time.

RedPillSucks 31

Damn. From party poppers to party poopers.

perdix 29

Sounds like a good start! Did any of the girls want to clean you up? Bow-chicka-bow-bow!

So, I hear you like to party. Allow me to give you a party like which you are accustomed *throws random shit on you* you are welcome

Wizardo 33

Beware of gifts from bitches...

There should be a third button for FMLs that are just plain funny.