By Anonymous - 30/04/2013 17:55 - United States - Hartford

Today, my guidance counselor told me that I'll have to join my school's special education needs sector. This is because I can't attend school properly due to chronic issues with severe pain. So much for my 3.9 GPA and being in the top 5% of my class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 277
You deserved it 3 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im sure theres is something you can do to avoid that , with grades like that you're school can't let it happen!


Im sure theres is something you can do to avoid that , with grades like that you're school can't let it happen!

A doctor's note will suffice. It will at least prove OP's chronic pains.

countryrose92 23

Online school if your that worried about the GPA and such, but yes I am sure your guidance counselor is just dumb and you will be able to argue a valid point about staying in the normal program based on weekly testing or something. They cannot just put someone into spec Ed without proper testing of learning disabilities

tjv3 10

Well this is another example of our excellent public school system at work... NOT. Op you should look into a private school they are leaps and bonds above public schools. But avoid a charter school though

Aren't public schools moving more towards mainstreaming? I thought most schools were doing away with the seperate classes for different learning levels and needs? I remember it being a huge debate in my state, but I thought it was nationwide.

I'm a special ed major, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being in a special ed program for illnesses. It just allows the school to give him/her an IEP or 504 plan that can accommodate chronic illness and the absences associated with it. It has nothing to do with intelligence or GPA, you still earn the grades you earn and they can't deny you classes based on being in the special ed program if you're capable of completing the work for them, its a violation of PL-94. Special Education doesn't mean you have a learning disability or a cognitive impairment; gifted students are considered to be in the special education programs of school. Schools can't give you an IEP or 504 plan without you being in the special education, they're not saying OP's stupid or has a disability, they're simply trying to accommodate his/her illness.

So 84, maybe you can answer my question? Are schools moving towards mainstreaming? There was tons of talk about it, but like most political issues, it all seemed to die down once election season was over.

Not necessarily main streaming, but full inclusion where possible. There is a push to get all students into a general education classroom when they can, due to the No Child Left Behind Act, but not all kids can be in a general ed. classroom. Some students thrive in a general ed. classroom, others do not. Most students now are starting in the general education classroom, regardless of disability, and then through a tiered process called response to intervention, they are funneled into special ed. Its a little hard to explain via comment, but students who are scoring below the 60th percentile are given extra help (tier 1 intervention), those students still not scoring above the 60th percentile, get more help that's more individualized (tier 2), those students still not succeeding often get one on one help (tier 3) and then those students who still aren't successful go into special ed after further assessment and are given an IEP/ 504 plan depending on there needs; its a longer process, but we're trying to make sure every kid has a chance to thrive. So yes, in a sense we're trying to main stream kids, but it's a little more complex than that.

but also, IEPs/504 plans aren't just for kids with cognitive disability. You can have a 504 plan for ADD/ADHD, a broken arm, diabetes, any chronic illness that will require you to miss school and then need accommodations in order to make up the time missed, etc. Which is most likely why the OP was put into the special ed. program at his/her school.

"they can't deny you classes based on being in the special ed program if you're capable of completing the work for them" My School denied me advanced math in 12th grade. Even though I had above 100% for 9th, 10th and 11th. (I did every bonus and passed each test)

They can deny you based on other factors, but legally they can't based on being in special education alone. I don't know your situation, or the reasoning the administration of your school used, but if an appropriate education for you is being placed in an advanced program, then legally, they have to regardless of how you're classified within the student body or any IEPs/504s you have.

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What the hell #2? Can you be any bigger of an ass?

#8 That's like asking "can it get any worse" Life usually serves you with a bitch slap.

honestly, its bad either way. we don't know both sides of the story. I know someone who suffers from chronic pain too. Only it occurs during huge tests and that's it, so about twice to three times a week. And once the period for the test is over she comes to school late saying she's "better". So she gets extra time to study for her "pain". and she has a high GPA. I'd stick her in special ed if this was the same case...

That sounds a bit discriminatory, see if your parents might contact a lawyer to get more information about the situation if your school doesn't change their mind.

Why contact a lawyer? OP should go to the doctor, and ask for a note. And she could show them her pain medication or something like that. You don't have to sue...

Tito30 did not say "sue". They were suggesting a visit to a lawyer to get more information. I assume as to what courses of action are available to them.

Changing schools can be tough, especially that way. But hey, you can embrace it. Show those motherfuckers your style!

Normal funny = funny More funny = funnier More more more funny = funniest

I've failed to understand the relevance of that, 66. By the way, props for being the number that killed the Jedi.

I am sure you can turn this around in your favor. You didn't get that 3.9 GPA being a ding dong.

perdix 29

You'll surely go to the top of the class if you're competing against the re-. . ., wait, that's not politically correct anymore, . . . when you are competing against the idiots, morons and imbeciles. That's better.

I was in some of the sp. ed. classes. I'm not an idiot, moron or imbecile!

perdix 29

#35, it should be "I'm neither an idiot, a moron nor an imbecile." Do you want a cookie?

@Perdix. OP said she was going into special education, not politics!!

37 a cookie?! I'll have chocolate chip please!!

perdix 29

#54, absolutely! You spelled "chocolate" correctly. They work such wonders with you people!!

"What do you mean 'YOU people'?" "What do YOU mean 'YOU people'?"

perdix 29

#64, I mean idiots, morons, imbeciles, dunces, fools and those we used to call by the r-word.

I'm not dumb. I was forced because I have ADHD, they're are other reasons why people are put in SP ED.

77 clearly my Tropic Thunder quote didn't land. My apologies, sometimes I forget my life isn't the movie quotes gameshow I envision in my head.

#64 I was going to post the exact same thing, but then saw that you already had, so I voted up for your post instead

I don't that it has to be a bad thing. A lot of teachers aren't equipped to deal with special issues whether that be illness or disability. I think it's more that your school recognise that you have additional support needs. Keep up the good grades OP.

Exactly! At my school, special Ed includes physical disabilities and if your chronic pain is keeping you from going to school regularly, then it can be considered a disability. It's not a bad thing and a lot of people in special Ed just have issues like ADHD and aren't actually retarded.

Authoress14 15

It has nothing to do with being labeled as stupid fyi. Theyre doing their best to keep you in school probably so you can keep your GPA

I'm really sorry. I have severe chronic pain and I know it can be a struggle, but it's worth talking to your parents about to see if you can come to an alternate solution, by going to your principal or dean or whatever. Good luck!

Yes chronic pain sucks, I have it too, and it really makes it difficult to do things, I'm sorry you're going through it too!