By prdp - 05/06/2013 16:33 - United States

Today, after years of training and competing, I realized that the universe does not want me to play the piano. Not only do I have hands that can fit in toddler-sized gloves, my carpal tunnel is already to the point where I have to wear a brace at night, at the ripe old age of 14. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 697
You deserved it 4 706

prdp tells us more.

prdp 7

Thanks for your nice comments! I kind of knew it would come eventually, because 3 generations of my family have consistently had carpal tunnel, but it was intensified by my piano playing (and especially the fast music I tend to choose to compensate for my inability to reach larger chords) and made the symptoms appear at a much earlier age than any of my relatives. Luckily, I'm not JUST a pianist! I'm also an extremely avid concert and marching brass player (a female brass player? Who knew they exist?) who plans to audition for drum corps in the very near future. Classical (though I also play some jazz) piano and band are my true loves, and I know I won't stop playing piano anytime soon, nor will I stop my other instruments. :)

Top comments

Well if it's any consolation, you write well for a 14 year-old! :o

DWT 18

Being a musician can be painful. Take it from a guitarist.


Well if it's any consolation, you write well for a 14 year-old! :o

wlddog 14

I can see it now. The old blind woman has spoken a hex over OP because their family had been rude to her. The sightless old bat waves a rattle over the stroller as the family walks by, not knowing the peril their offspring has now been put in. The child grows up with a piano in their room, showing leaps and strikes in their piano prowess. Then the child comes of age to perform in the big house, but the dreaded curse takes effect. Their hands shrink to the size of an infants. Their mind grows cloudy of all things musical. But it is too late to cancel the show. The curtain is drawn away from the stage and OP is left to stare as the masses, unable to even remember why they are there. Off in the distance an old woman's cackling laugh can be heard, but no one knows why she laughs.

wlddog 14

I can see it now. The old blind woman has spoken a hex over OP because their family had been rude to her. The sightless old bat waves a rattle over the stroller as the family walks by, not knowing the peril their offspring has now been put in. The child grows up with a piano in their room, showing leaps and strikes in their piano prowess. Then the child comes of age to perform in the big house, but the dreaded curse takes effect. Their hands shrink to the size of an infants. Their mind grows cloudy of all things musical. But it is too late to cancel the show. The curtain is drawn away from the stage and OP is left to stare as the masses, unable to even remember why they are there. Off in the distance an old woman's cackling laugh can be heard, but no one knows why she laughs.

Good imagination #38, tell us the rest of the story!

I hope later OP composes an awesome Drum and Bass album using the cackle as a sample!

That won't last long, the way her hands are going.

It's not really that uncommon to see a person in their early teens type eloquently.

Why does everyone automatically assume all teenagers suck at typing? Not all of us tipe lyk dis #YOLOSWAGLOL. I'm 13, and I don't type like that. Yeah, most of us do, but not all. Oh well.

As well as this person writes, it's not at all unexpected. In actual fact, it disappoints me that people find it at all surprising when a person can actually write in their language properly. Take it from me, a 14 YEAR OLD.

Inediblepeaches 15

I was once told over the internet that someone thought I was 18 from my typing style, perfect grammar, and spelling. I was 13 at the time. Anyone who purposely types like an asshole has a special spot reserved in hell for them. More so if it degrades an entire age group.

GuessWhatKids 13

The fact that you find it remarkable that a 14 year old knows how to speak the damn language is quite sad. All people should be able to write at the level of the OP by 12 years old. Unfortunately all I have to do to shatter that dream is log on Facebook. And don't feel too proud of yourselves, guys, I was faking 18 years old by the time I was 10. Whoop-dee-*******-doo.

GuessWhatKids 13

Also, 90, as mature as you claim to be, nobody deserves to go to Hell because of the way they type on the internet...

I am 12, and type quite well. I think all of that "#YOLOSWAG" stuff is rediculous. People who assume all of us are like that are no better.

You misspelled ridiculous. But besides that, it's not bad.

Honestly, I'm also 13 and type quite well. People always assume teenagers don't type well

GalaxyShots 21

To be honest, I lied about my age on my profile. I'm actually thirteen, having turned thirteen three days ago. I'm also a writer, and am currently working on getting a book I've written published. A novel, to be exact. About two-hundred pages long, little more. So in short, I've been writing like this since I was about nine or ten. I've been in numerous spelling bees, I'm known as quite the grammar Nazi and I've been known as the best reader/smartest of my class multiple year in a row. And if you want me to go and start talking like my 'typical age group' (which is ridiculous since brains shouldn't be classified by age), go suck a dick.

DWT 18

Being a musician can be painful. Take it from a guitarist.

I played trumpet and clarinet for many years and when I started, specifically the trumpet, my lips got completely ripped and your cheeks/jaw hurt so much. OP, I can tell it isn't easy for you to give up because it's obvious you're passionate about playing piano, but maybe play another instrument or play for pure joy instead of competing? I know it may not be the same and it's heart breaking when you really love something to give it up. I don't know what else to tell you, I just want to give you a hug :(

Play accordion. Can't think of a any big problem with that instrument. Skin on your left wrist will roughen up and you'll need to keep nails short, but that's about it.

I'm a violinist and I suffer from partial hearing loss in the left ear since an ear infection 2 years ago. Not letting it get in my way of achieving my dreams though. It's tough to be musicians sometimes but we're gonna pull through :)

therealafroninga 10

I got blisters on mi fingers!

I'm a semi-pro trombonist and I've definitely incurred injuries from playing. I used to split my lip with alarming frequency back in my high school and college marching band days, I've bruised my lips from overuse playing 3-hour dance gigs and in orchestra pits, and I damn near popped a tendon in my left hand not too long ago just putting a bass trombone down on its stand. The point is, yeah, being a musician can be painful, but giving yourself a chance to recover (including surgical repairs if need be) with possibly a small alteration in technique or form, and just about anything can be overcome, including the small hands!

ise3 10

As a pianist.. Hangnails really suck.

TheDrifter 23

I come from the age of hair metal and let me tell you, fingers heal, calluses fade, but tinnitus sucks. 30db hearing loss here to that incessant hum.

prdp 7

Standing directly in front of a drumline in an echoey concrete hallway probably isn't much better, haha! I don't think I know a single high school/college band director or anyone involved in drum corps for multiple years that doesn't have at least mild hearing loss.

Inediblepeaches 15

Playing the flute has never hurt me before except for that one time it made my right pinkie cramp :/

Inediblepeaches 15

OP, Im pretty sure if you middle school band teacher didn't have a jungle of ear-hair, he's be deaf. (Our band sucked.)

I was going to say the same :p i get it all the time but only if i play for over half an hour. Which i do haha

Sorry to hear that OP! Hope things get better.

friedpwnadge 25

Oh, you poor thing. Nobody ever taught you good technique, you're always tensing up right? I've been a concert pianist for my whole life. I can reach big chords but tiny hands are great for fast and technical playing. The trick is to stay relaxed except for the tiny instant that you're hitting a note. Good body position provides a core of energy from your hips on the bench, don't tense your arms at all and make smooth motion with your hands, don't over-articulate. This plus plenty of practice and good analysis of your pieces should have turned you around in an instant. It's not the size of your hands but how you use them. It's a shame that people weren't around to give you the right training, that work ethic is the right one to have.

"after nearly years"? I somehow don't think that is entirely correct. Or, maybe she has only been competing for nearly a year. Hmm, just seems to be missing something!

What she means is that for most of her life so far, she has been training, taking lessons, and what not. It is like how a person starts at something when they are young (5 or 6 or even younger) and they keep doing it. And I think that is amazing dedication right there to play the piano.

Yeah, I do realise this! I just feel like there should be a number in-between "nearly" and "years". Or take away the 's' and put an 'a' before "years". Although, maybe I am just being too anal about it. :P

Not necessarily dedication. A lot of children who start at that age are just pushed into it. Either way, that may be what OP meant but it's NOT what she said. My best guess is that she was coming up to two years? So nearly at 'years' plural?

Apologies, no idea why that posted there. Seems the comment I was replying to was deleted as I posted...looks like 18 got caught out too. Feel free to thumb it down or whatever.

18- A.) You're talking to no one and your comment is highly irrelevant to the original comment B.) Saying "nearly years" is correct. It could be almost two or three years and they don't know the exact number but its been over one.

Oh my god it's you Cian. Fancy just bumping into my ex on the comment section of a random FML. Literally creasing right now.

Literally I can't even. I can't even believe I saw you on here. Mind. ****.

33 - There was a whole conversation above 18 last night. Not really sure why but, mods deleted all the posts but 18's...his post was very relevant at the time though. And 'nearly years' doesn't really make sense. I assume it means 'nearly two years' but it's definitely ambiguous and worded poorly. Hard to imagine someone forgetting whether they've been playing for two or three years either.

Keep your head up, there are hidden talents in everyone!

Talent has nothing to do with it. OP can't play anymore because of his/her carpel tunnel

34 - I think 5 meant that OP has other talents.

onealmxwilson 18

Hey a fellow mx rider on FML. Ride on bro!!

58- hey that has nothing to do with the fml

Rei_Ayanami 18

I'm sorry, OP. I know how it feels to work hard for something and not make it. I would suggest trying a new instrument, but I'm sure you have your heart set on the piano.

You just can't give up. Practice a lot and practice pragmatically. Self doubt is the only real obstacle. My hands are tiny, too, but I try to act as though I can reach a 13th! Liszt-en to more and mRavel at what you'll accomplish in the future. Good luck! :)

prdp 7

I'm a multi-instrumentalist, so luckily piano isn't all I have! Though mellophone also causes some pretty bad wrist cramps, not to mention a serious dent in my pinkie (and it's permanent, my mom still has it and hasn't touched a mellophone in 30 years).

I try to show the universe who's boss almost everyday. I'll stand outside and verbally abuse the sun for hours. I guess I'm just working on too small of a scale. It never seems to change anything. I'll try the galaxy tomorrow.

You must be doing a pretty damn good job. The sun has been hiding behind these clouds for weeks.

flockz 19

do you yell at the sun too? alright so i'm not weird then. whenever i yell at the sun, it taps out like a bitch everytime and then the moon tries to follow up. their stamina is crazy, i've been doing this for years!

Scew the universe I'm sure there's a small sized piano on this planet. Go make your dreams!

Yeah. Go beat up Shroeder and take his! Oh wait. That's a comic scrip. Maybe that won't work so well.

Oh no :( I feel so horrible for you that your passion in life is causing that harm to your body

Don't drop that talent the ladies love it and it pays off in the long run