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By GogglesGoggles - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a guy punched me in the subway for staring at his girlfriend. I had dark glasses on, and was fast asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 443
You deserved it 3 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The male ape will protect anything it deems his with great prejudice to any potential competitors. In other words, dude has serious self-esteem issues or a very unhappy girlfriend.

Look, it's the generic "I was totally there and you can't prove I wasn't because I'm a random person on the internet" comment.


AngelLovesDerby 10
whiteboy896 9

Thanks captain obvious, I wasn't sure but now I know!

thejewishfuhrer 17

Captain obvious, clarifying things that don't need clarification since the beginning of trolls.

A new study shows that getting punched in the face sucks 100% of the time.

Next time OP should wear a bigger sweater to cover his boner during sleep in the sub

Look, it's the generic "I was totally there and you can't prove I wasn't because I'm a random person on the internet" comment.

25-Is it sad when I find both you and #2 funny?

That sucks! Who punches someone for looking at their girlfriend anyways?!

Yeah, but how many people actually do that?

jazzy_123 20

extremely jealous boyfriends would. My boyfriend isn't the jealous type and laughs at guys who try hitting on me because 1.) they would never stand a chance 2.) they probably don't have any good game anyway, and 3.) he knows that I know better and just brush them off my shoulder. My friend's boyfriend on the other hand, he doesn't let her do anything or talk to any guys! Its ridiculous. We can never go out clubbing on a girl's night or anything like that because she says her boyfriend will get mad.

@38 She should dump the guy! If he doesn't trust her she derserves better that's ridiculous.

It sound like your friend is in a rather bad relationship that might even turn abusive #38. Might need to have a talk with her about it. She shouldn't let him tell her who she can and cant talk to. Trust is a very very large part of a relationship and it sounds like he has none.

38. #46 is absolutely on the money. That is, if it hasn't escalated to abuse already. Toxic relationships with domestic violence are not always obvious. Mental and emotional abuse are just as abhorrent, only difference is, the abuse isn't physically evident like a black eye or busted lip. Have a chat about her future and a safe place for her to escape to, should she need to flee in a hurry.

SuperMew 22

I was in a pretty toxic relationship. He was emotionally abusive and tried to control what I did, what I ate, what I wore, and even my weight/hair/skin color (wanted me to tan.) I finally had enough and broke up with him. But there are some things I had to do first. 1. I removed all my things from his place. 2. I went on his computer and deleted all pictures of myself, any Skype conversations, and Facebook chat. I made sure there were no pictures of us on the computer, his FB, or any of the social sites. I even went on his phone and deleted our conversations. 3. I made sure to get all the money he owed me back by saying I needed some new "sexy" clothing to wear on our trip. When I had everything back, I took the spare key he had and left. I gave his stuff to a friend, and blocked him from everything. Then I called, broke up with him, and that was it. He tried spreading rumors, but had nothing to back it up, and while he came by my house there was nothing he could do. I had him arrested the second time he showed up and when he tried to claim I wanted him there, they laughed and took him away.

I am favoriting this FML solely for your inspiring story. Dumb **** got what was coming to him. Good show!

jazzy_123 20

Guys, believe me I have tried. She's 19 and he's 24/25 I think. She once told Mr.he wanted to go to Vegas and she didn't let him because she "knows" what happens in Vegas. I told her he isn't her husband and she should trust him and she told me I didn't know what it was like being in a serious, committed relationship. This is coming from a chick who's been with her boyfriend ONLY 2 more months than I have been with mine. So they're both in the wrong but I tried telling her and it didn't work. It's quite sad. He tells her shit for guys she talked to on MYSPACE! that was like 5 years ago! they hadn't met yet! He had his fun and she's letting her youth pass. Oh well. Anywho enough about her. Point is, she won't listen, I tried, that's her problem now. My relationship is good though. We talk about things and compromise. He's not jealous. He basically let's me do what I want and me to him. I think we're great and healthy :) he does so much for me. I think mine is better than hers lol

Quite a rude awakening. Have no idea how he knows where you're looking.

he couldn't know... that's the point...

MzZombicidal 36

Can you imagine how that jerk reacts to someone /actually/ looking at his girlfriend? Geez.

Considering he thought that was the case, I world say exactly like that. xD

Dude that sucks I. Guess never sleep with others you don't know.

Sleeping on the subway is common practice. It's not OP's fault that some douchebag is highly insecure and feels the need to overcompensate by acting "manly".

ThatFancyPenn 18

Our just don't sleep on the subway with glasses on..

P_M95 8

you should have kicked him in the balls

The male ape will protect anything it deems his with great prejudice to any potential competitors. In other words, dude has serious self-esteem issues or a very unhappy girlfriend.

also the guy is insecure and needs to grow up

Y2Jfan4life 2

I feel sorry for his girlfriend, he seems like the type of guy who will abuse his girlfriend if she talks to another guy.

Oh no falling asleep in public whatever shall we do, what's wrong with taking a half hour nap?

Jelbeztok 17

People find literally anything to vote YDI.. -_-

Sounds like somebody has their panties in a twist. *cough* #8 *cough*

I feel bad for the girlfriend; that guy must be clingy.

yoursucklives 36