By frozen solid - 06/01/2014 02:04 - United States - Allentown

Today, I spent nearly half an hour clearing several inches of snow off my car. After almost suffering from hypothermia, I finished. Except the car keys were missing from my pocket, presumably buried under a foot of snow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 930
You deserved it 6 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she means on the snow around the car to find the keys.

perdix 29

Go inside and wait until spring. Or, move to Florida. If you can get hypothermia while doing vigorous physical activity, you have no idea how to dress for cold weather and are a menace to yourself.


I hope that's sarcasm, cause pouring ht water on a car, especially the windshield in cold weather is never a good idea, it could crack the windshield

I think she means on the snow around the car to find the keys.

oj101 33

OP could always use lukewarm water, or turn on her windscreen heater.

Guys.. I meant on the snow on the ground because his/her keys were underneath T.T Why would anyone be so stupid to pour hot water on a car??

I probably would actually.. lack of logic.

CrazyDoomsdayGuy 6

its -35 here in indiana with the windchill and thats pretty much unheard of lol

well because it will get frozen, I think

why didnt op do the smart thing and clear off the drivers side door, turn the car on, turn on the heat and the rear defrost, then clear the rest of the car?? That way the car warms up, your keys are safe and you can get warmed up faster when done. Too smart I guess.

JMichael 25

If it was cold enough to give OP hypothermia it was probably most likely cold enough to freeze the water as she poured it on her car.

Seriously! Hypothermia in 30 minutes? It must have been well below zero or OP was soaking wet. It took me several hours of single digit temps and being covered in snow to stop shivering, and I didn't pass out until we got back to camp off the mountain. Learned a good lesson about layers that day.

itcomesinthrees 10

It probably was well below zero. It's -40 here right now and has been for pretty much the last month. I sure wouldn't be pouring water on my driveway, I'd end up slipping on the ice later on.

It was fourteen below zero just after I made that comment when I cleaned off all the windows of my mini van to go to work this morning. Wind chill was -34. I wore a coat. No hypothermia; not even close. Just cold hands and toes. I've been in colder weather, chaining tires on a semi, without more than a little discomfort. All I'm saying is OP is either exaggerating or was very ill prepared to be outside today.

was OP taking his temperature in order to know how much his core body temperature dropped!? seriously, mild hypothermia causes...shivering and other mild, temporary effects. it's not really a big deal unless tissue damage results. just saying. happens to people all the time. wear more layers. i think the wording here is a bit of an exaggeration.

When you brush snow off a car, it usually lands beside the car, causing there to be a deep area of snow there. That's likely what she meant, not her lack of shoveling.

why didn't you start your car while you cleaned it off? o.o or am I the only one that does that?

Nope, I do that too. Only way to survive cars in northern ohio

I do it too. And turn the defrost on. Makes any icy parts on the windows easy to pick off.

CrazyDoomsdayGuy 6

most ppl clean off their door before starting the car to keep snow from falling inside but not the whole car thats dumb

I always start my car, that way by the time I'm done brushing it off and digging it out, my car is nice and toasty.

This is why we have spare keys to our car.

She might have had spare keys, but if she locked her house she probably needed a key to get herself back in the house to get them, which she would have to have her original ones for doing

Like the first person said, either use boiling water or if you have a big magnet that you can stick into the snow you could use that too

Don't suppose you have a metal detector?

perdix 29

Go inside and wait until spring. Or, move to Florida. If you can get hypothermia while doing vigorous physical activity, you have no idea how to dress for cold weather and are a menace to yourself.

itcomesinthrees 10

No matter how warm I dress I still get pretty cold when it's -40. I wouldn't say I'm a menace to myself, the weather is the menace.