By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 18:13 - United States - Elizabethtown

Today, while playing badminton at school, I got an opponent who is mentally handicapped. Since I'm terrible at the game, I guess the teacher assumed it would be a good match. I won the match, my first victory ever. My teacher accused me of cheating to humiliate him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 066
You deserved it 4 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like that teacher needs to reevaluate his/her own assumptions, in both ways.

How do you even cheat in badminton? /:


Sounds like that teacher needs to reevaluate his/her own assumptions, in both ways.

Yeah, that teacher sounds like a total douche!

Or maybe the teacher was just a terrible person and made a bet that the OP was so bad that they'd lose to a mentally handicapped person and was angry because they lost the bet. It makes sense if you don't think about it;)

incoherentrmblr 21

How does one cheat at badminton?...

Pretending to be horrible so you're placed in a lower pool, and then actually do well.

iLike2Teabag 27

I remember two teams tried to throw the match in the London Olympics so they'll be in a lower pool or won't have to face their own country or something. It was pretty disgusting.

You do look like your in the wrong. Sucks to be you. Well done for winning though :D

In the wrong for beating a handicapped person? What?

how does winning a game put OP in the wrong

Without a doubt OP, from what you said you seem to have a judgemental, assuming, mean teacher. He deserves a racket slap so hard he'll have a waffle mark on his face. As a teacher his actions are unacceptable.

God, I hate it when people baby mentally handicapped kids. They're normal people, they can deal with losing a badminton game in gym class. Giving the "special" kids special treatment will only teach them that they can get whatever they want because of their disability.

#2 you're everything wrong with white girls >.>

Finally. Someone else shares the same opinion as me!

Lol "wrong for beating a handicap person?" sound really bad

@40: Not only that, those who can understand what is going on will feel belittled for being treated like less of a human being...

And tell me how we're gonna change that.

#3: Diagnoses have become more accurate, and social acceptance has grown. Better than the old idiotic belief that they were possessed by demons right?

Oh god oh god. Gotta think of something clever to comment!

iipinkette 16

The teacher shouldn't of matched you up with him if they weren't prepared for the possible outcome of you winning !

Not going for grammar nazi status, but I do feel that it's a common misconception to say "should of" because it sounds right. It's actually "should have," but people frequently combine the words so it turns into "should've", which sounds like "should of". The more you know! :D

I'd argue that language is always relevant.

I love FML for this. It's one of the very few communities out there where people hate it when other people use of instead of have

How do you even cheat in badminton? /:

If the handicapped person knows none of the rules, then OP can abuse them: score, serves, anything. Or just take advantage of the handicap depending on the one. Not that that is the case, nor the point.

That's exactly what I want to know too...

Wizardo 33

#6 maybe sabotage and stroke off the shuttle ****? Or maybe even start up and give the guy a dubious racquet...

gingaa96 18

Geez, that teacher seems like a real biatch, I`m sorry OP. But hey, gratz on your first win

perdix 29

During an important point, did you show him your shuttlecock?

shaww 28

It landed right in his mouth... And somehow the tip of the shuttlecock left some sweat in his mouth

I laughed at this. It might be my juvenile sense of humour, but regardless, Perdix is funny. :]

Do you suppose there has ever been such a thing, as a match of goodminton?