By wetboy - 05/07/2009 10:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out why my girlfriend of 8 months has never agreed to stay the night before. Now I have a 4-month old mattress that needs replacing, and a 23-year-old bedwetter for a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 462
You deserved it 8 896

Same thing different taste

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stringoffail 0

Meanwhile, somewhere else on FML. "Today I felt comfortable enough with my boyfriend to stay the night with him in spite of an embarrassing problem. I did it because he kept pressuring me. I wet his bed, and he was a real jerk about it. He even posted details about it on this site, as if I wouldn't bloody see it. FML"

That's a shame. She's probably really embarrassed about it all. Try to be understanding, if you can.


drredneck 0

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realggirl 0

How does it suck, exactly? It's not her fault and if he loves her for other things this should not pose any threat to the relationship.

ndanick 4
ForWhatItsWorth 0

She finally trusts him with something she has no control over and it sucks?

lmfaowww 0
Entity4Infinity 0

Hopefully you do not break up with her... she just probably didnt want to tell you... how much you want to bet she stayed up at night for a little bit and kept trying to stop it from happening.

lmmmr 0

That sucks for her, not for him. What an ass. That must have been extremely embarrassing for her, and you not only disrespect her privacy by posting all over the internet, but try to make it out like YOUR life is ****** by the issue rather than hers. You're kind of a jerk, OP, and have some serious growing up to do before you deserve a relationship.

OP, you are a complete and utter dick. This is your girlfriend and she clearly has a problem and you posted it as an FML when you should be supportive and trying to help her. It's selfish of you to think your life is ****** when she's the adult who has no control over something like this and wets herself. There are many reasons as to why this could happen, but she deserves a better boyfriend.

dude look at the bright side if you help her with her problems you might get a suprise a good one hell yeah

Who's to say how he reacted with her. For all we know he could've been very kind and understanding with her and bitter on the inside. I know that I for one would'be been LIVID if my "girlfriend" wet my brand new 4 month old mattress. To be fair to him, if she knows she has a bed-wetting problem then she should limit her liquid intake before bedtime. This is "**** my life", not "call me an asshole because I bitch over a valid point".

fml05 0

hahahah i think they're called "depends" or something

112, it's a MEDICAL CONDITION, not "Oh I wet the bed because I drank too many liquids." Dehydrating yourself is bad for your health and probably would not solve the problem. Get that through your thick head.

#147, My cousin had a bedwetting issue. A normal person's urethra weaves between some muscles that contract and clamp down on the urethra to "hold it" when you need to, or are sleeping--her urethra went outside these muscles so nothing happened when they contracted. She needed surgery to fix it.

uLtra_attitude 0

so? my boyfriends a bedwetter, he just wears diapers at night but its not like we sleep when he stays over ;)

qazwerty 5

if her urethra went outside the muscles that hold in her urine, wouldn't she be always wetting herself, not just when she's sleeping? If the muscles don't work when she's sleeping, they can't work when she's awake...

alice_hmph 0

not necessarily. It might just be the kind of thing where, when you are awake, and you know you have to go, you can consciously hold it. But when you are sleeping, there are specific muscles that probably constantly "hold it", so you can sleep. But either way, it's a medical condition. That poor girl must have spent hours, possibly days dreading staying over because she knew this would happen.

americayay 0

And she has a dick boyfriend who'd post something so humiliating on the internet for everyone to read and laugh at.

Okie7123 0

I know how to save this her a bottle of Arginine Vasopressin nasal spray (also known as Anti-Diuretic Hormone). In a nutshell, it retains water in the body longer, making it so the sensation to urinate is suppressed. It is used all the time on children that wet the bed. However, I think you can only get it by prescription and care must be used in taking it. Next time you want her to sleep over, she uses the spray and the bed stays dry :)

AmberE 0

I agree w/ you. I mean honestly she must have felt so ashamed of this and not want to tell you about it, because she would be embarrassed enough. why is it F your life? F her life.

Maybe other methods besides a drug. Vasopressin also reduces circulation to the extremities and shouldn't be used if she has heart problems.

D11Churchkill 8

All you people calling OP a "dick" need to think for two seconds, he might be saying that this sucks because the girl that he loves has a medical condition that probably ruins some fun for the both of them!

HighasaCloud 46

For her, not for OP. It isn't something she can control and for such a hugely embarrassing problem, especially at 23, OP has no right to be collecting pity form this website when it is so much worse for her.

Oh jeeze. Sucks to be you ey? Well.. sucks to be her aswell.

Some many people bashed OP. I would be pissed as shit too if someone pissed in my bad. She is an adult she should have taken proper steps to have a conversation with him and or wear protection.

cardtrick101 0

Maybe you just got a bit excited the night before

Hahaha, amazing! FYL! This leaves room for new possibilities though - imagine: SHE CAN BE CUPID! Just buy her a bow and arrows, I am sure she has the diapers. How kinky that would be! And there's the golden shower...

oh wow that is the most cruel thing ive ever heard some peoples bladders dont develop so they wet the bed when they are older, dickwad.

Who gives a shit, it's hilarious, hahahaha.

it wouldnt be funny to you if you suffered from a similar condition, now would it?

I think it's hilarious, too. And if I had a similar condition, I'd give the guy warning before I ruined his mattress.

delfinofrank 0
Turnip_Girl 0

She didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you? D:

You think that's something a girl really wants to tell their boyfriend?

Hugorgy 0

Better than surprising him in bed. That's even more awkward and embarrassing.

I feel like thats someting you should be comfortable enough to discuss before hopping into bed with someone. Better to give warning but maybe she thought it wasn't going to happen. But i think sometimes people forget this is anonomous, none of her friends will find out

Based on his reaction, would YOU have felt comfortable enough to tell him? He seems really understanding and sensitive. ha

The same thing happened to me a few times as well (not regularly at all), and it's actually fairly common in adults for various reasons. I didn't tell my bf either and just hoped it would never happen. It did in fact happen once, but I was awake right away, went to the bathroom and tried cleaning stuff up a bit. He woke up for a little while, but fell back asleep fast and he never mentioned it. To this day, I don't know if he noticed. And until it 'obviously' happens, I'm not really planning on telling him. Unless we're both like really drunk. It's a good excuse for telling embarrassing secrets.

123zoe 0

you could soooo use dat to your advantage ;)

caligal14 0

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kitties_fml 12

because she has a condition she can't control?

Hugorgy 0

She knew about her condition ahead of time. Deciding to sleep with your boyfriend in his bed without any protection is rather dimwitted.

Although she didn't tell him - which she should have, you have to understand how embarrassing that would be for her. There would've been a better way than sleeping on his mattress without a warning, but she was probably too self-conscious. OP should be understanding considering she can't help it :D

idontgiveone 0

Sucks. What happens next eh?

That's a shame. She's probably really embarrassed about it all. Try to be understanding, if you can.

Hunterstown88 0

lol. it's does suck a lot. I can say because my 24 year old sister still sleeps with a decreped old bunny. oh and she also suck her thumb. yeah 24years old.

Your sister has serious problems. Get her help.

I wonder if your sister knows how to spell.

Heeeeeeeeeeey. I haven't any problems and I still sleep with a decrepit stuffed dog. :-(