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By Alex Andreas - 02/07/2015 03:10 - United States - Edmond

Today, I found out where my sister's pet lizard escaped to. I also found out that the little shit likes to hide in dark, cold places. I discovered this when I heard the bastard squeal as I started the lawnmower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 746
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeltaDragonxx 20

At least he won't try to sell you car insurance anymorel


I don't know what's with all the downvotes. When #31 said "literally" she meant the lizard (they're cold blooded), though OP didn't really mention anything about the lizard's death so...

yikes.. I just mowed the lawn too and this sorta made me think of what might've been in the mower..

CheekyRaccoon 27
DeltaDragonxx 20

At least he won't try to sell you car insurance anymorel

Alup132 22

Well, it's a lizard here, but hey, close relative as?

Best thing to do now is to tell her, and also that there was now way to avoid that.

..if you told your little sister you ran over her pet she would be devastated. It's better to let her think he just escaped.. Then it's more of a mystery, instead of hey your pet just got chopped up by the lawn mower.

Well if OP cares about trust and stuff they should tell her. It's better if she finds out now than many years from now...

If she finds out years from now she'd be older and more mature. She'd probably laugh at the situation. I have a 5 year old niece and if I told her I ran her pet over with a lawn mower she would be pissed

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#55 What kind of ****** up logic do you use? Even years from now she probably wouldn't laugh about her pet getting ripped to shreds by a lawn mower unless she's extremely ****** up. To most normal people, this situation would be horrible even years down the road...

Reptiles are not pets. My brother had a "pet" snake growing up, and I can't even count the number of times I wish I could have run over that evil ****** with a lawnmower. The snake, not the brother. Although my brother was pretty evil too. **** reptiles.

leogachi 15

Why aren't they pets? Just because you don't like them? I hate snakes, too, but to tell someone else that they shouldn't have one because "they aren't pets" is absurd.

zeffra13 31

Any animal you keep in your house, feed, and let's you pet/hold it and maybe even play with, is a pet. They're not always domesticated but it still counts. There is always personality variation too. For example, no one would doubt me saying I had a hamster for a pet, even though it would always bite me if I got near it (though that's because it's nocturnal and I could only be around it during the day and it never adjusted to that).

So if I have a hostage in my house and feed it, it's automatically my pet? Aw yiss!

I've had pet Crested geckos for about 10 years now and they are some of the coolest and sweetest pets I've ever had.

totally agree. reptiles nd big cats r not meant to be pet. the probability of harm from them is highest. they dont share same world view with us. yet some ignorant ppl will go on risking their n other ppls life by having these creatures as pet

slimshadyduhh 4

What the **** are you talking about. Reptiles are great pets you fucktard. You don't know because you never had one.

I've had a tegu for 10 years. She was less than a foot long when I got her and she's now 4 feet long. And I've have a turtle for 22 years and a snake since last April. I love them.

I have had lizards for about 4 years. they are amazing pets. in the entire time I have owned them I have only gotten bitten once, and that's only because I was hand feeding her and she bit my finger by mistake.

you didn't do it on purpose though . well F the lizards life.

For people who want to say YDI - would you check in a lawnmower for reptiles before starting it on a normal day? I hope your sister manages well OP

I voted YDI. Accidents happen, but the OP is showing quite a bit of disdain for an innocent creature they just obliterated. FYL for the lizard and YDI (the guilt, not the situation) to the OP for being an insensitive asshole.