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A teenage dream's so hard to beat…

By parenting fail - 20/09/2020 11:01 - United States

Today, my stepdaughter proudly showed off her new tattoo. It says "Jace’s place" in sloppy script on her lower belly. She’s 15. Jace is a boy she’s been seeing for 3 months. She got the tattoo in "some guy’s garage." It happened during her weekend visit with her father. Hello teenage rebellion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 896
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know someone who is going to get tattoo removal for a sweet 16 present...: But seriously, you should get her tested for HIV and hepatitis and the like. A tattoo in some guy’s garage is super sketch.


If things don't work out with this Jace, she can always meet another Jace and he'll be happy that her ****** is labeled as his. I've never seen the name Jace (I heard people named Jason being called that, but I never seen it spelled out).

The love interest in The Mortal Instruments series is named Jace, but I had never seen it used in real life.

I know someone who is going to get tattoo removal for a sweet 16 present...: But seriously, you should get her tested for HIV and hepatitis and the like. A tattoo in some guy’s garage is super sketch.

LackyLacy 5

Get a fake matching one and show your support with great enthusiasm.

my_way_1213 12

luckily crappy tattoos are easier to cover up... when shes a professional

mccuish 25

She’s gonna regret that tattoo when she’s older

samsonity 5

Get a belt sander to remove it. :)

tounces7 27

Well, now she gets to discover that the consequences for getting a sketchy tattoo is a round of doctor's visits and tests to make sure she didn't catch anything sketchy, and possibly some rounds of antibiotics if she did. Natural consequences are often the best teachers. You might leave the offer open that you'll help fund laser removal or a professional tattoo to cover it up at eighteen--while laser removal works, getting a coverup tattoo is a pretty good option if you're legal.