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Bullshit reason #874

By Anonymous - 03/11/2020 19:57 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because, she says, I have diabetes and she can’t handle the complications that may occur in the future. This after I arranged for her to take trip to Italy to ride horses, which has been on her bucket list for like 10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 213
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's so shitty of her. if she didn't go yet, unarrange that trip real quick. then find yourself a wife material who deserves you and will be there through thick and thin.

mickymoose1 15

Why not separate vacations? There are vacations one party might absolutely love while the other has no interest, so why deprive the person you love of an experience they would enjoy simply because you don't enjoy it? It's perfectly acceptable for couples to take separate vacations if that's what they want. Op just happen to pick a bad apple in which hopefully the next one they pick isn't so rotten.


that's so shitty of her. if she didn't go yet, unarrange that trip real quick. then find yourself a wife material who deserves you and will be there through thick and thin.

OP, it sounds like you paid for a vacation in Italy for your girlfriend but you didn’t go (or didn’t plan to go)? I’m sorry, but If so that was really dumb. Never pay to send a girlfriend or spouse on a vacation unless you go too. Couples do things together. They do need some time apart, but not separate vacations. By the way, to get dumped because you have diabetes shows that girlfriend is definitely not wife material. While that hurts, in a way she did you a favor. Better to find that out now than latter. If you can cancel the trip and get your money back or credit back.

mickymoose1 15

Why not separate vacations? There are vacations one party might absolutely love while the other has no interest, so why deprive the person you love of an experience they would enjoy simply because you don't enjoy it? It's perfectly acceptable for couples to take separate vacations if that's what they want. Op just happen to pick a bad apple in which hopefully the next one they pick isn't so rotten.

Don't horse around, get your money back before that horse leaves the barn. You don't want to be saddled with a filly like that. She'll stirrup trouble and you'll finish out of the money.

I smashed YDI purely because it sounds like you have the entitled tone that if you spend lots of money on a girl it somehow obligates them to like you or remain in a relationship. And let’s be honest, almost no one says the real reason they’re dumping you. I bet there’s a lot more as to why she’s ending things than your medical condition.

tounces7 27

The point is that if you plan to leave someone you shouldn't be ACCEPTING expensive trips and things from them, unless you're just a manipulative piece of shit.

I wonder what the real reason is. Is the diabetes really bad?

I've heard this before: DM is a chronic disease that affects small vessels. Before modern diagnostics and treatment, it almost always meant chronic impotence for men afflicted with DM. If your control is scrupulous, you can avoid most of the damage, I have an insulin-dependent friend who has NO retinopathy (the small vessels of the eye, not the penis) after 40 years because his control was so good and he now has a pump. So, the stigma of DM in men remains, although the understanding is better. I'm just saying, even if you cut this one loose, you might find this being a discussion point even in future relationships.

You arranged to have your girlfriend take a trip to another country, to ride horses. No wonder she thought that excuse would work.