Capitalists gonna capital

By sick-and-tired - 06/08/2022 15:00 - United States - Lincoln

Today, I’m fighting a Lyme disease infection. A tick bit me while I was sleeping in bed, gifting me it. I lost 15 lbs in 6 days, and can't work while treating it. I asked for pest control. My slumlord dad owns the place, refuses to fix it up, and told me no. I have no money and now my wife is sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 956
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call your local landlord and tenant board.

Pay rent into an escrow account and go after him.


Call your local landlord and tenant board.

Pay rent into an escrow account and go after him.

hello, document everything, sue the crap out of your landlord.