Common myth

By Anonymous - 01/04/2014 06:06 - United States - Eugene

Today, my girlfriend and I were snuggling and we placed our hands together, palm to palm. I can bend the tips of my fingers over hers, which apparently surprised her because she commented, "Huh, so big hands AREN'T related to penis size." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 821
You deserved it 7 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've got to hand it to her, that was kind of funny.

bobo_the_bear 5

Ouch. However big hands can be an asset in the bedroom if you use them right.


lmao what a bitch hope You took it with a grain of salt cuz obviously she keeps coming back for more so you're doing something right OP

But it'll take a long time to cross the ocean in a rowboat....

kingdomgirl94 29

It might not make it across the ocean, but a row boat is more likely to go down ;)

bobo_the_bear 5

#59. I see what you did there. Ha

Wizardo 33

Now pride is the smallest thing in the room, chin up though use your fingers to get the job done if you know what I mean. P.S. I mean about sex *loud whisper*

remember op its not the size of the boat that matters. you can have fun with all sizes. its just the motion in the ocean .

Buy you won't make it across the ocean in a dinghy either.

"And I guess small hands aren't related to vaginal tightness either..."

askullnamedbilly 33

Which, while witty, would be a surefire way to ensure he never gets to be inside said ****** again...

hunteryager 18

So she's allowed to insult him but it cant be the other way around? Huh, sounds pretty unfair to me. Especially since it's obviously a joke.

kingdomgirl94 29

Fun Fact: vaginas are muscles, they stretch a lot. If she's "tight" it could mean that she's not relaxed or not turned on enough.

olpally 32

Talk about a burn to the ego. Damn, what a bitch!

martin8337 35

Its feet that is related to penis size.

Nothing is related to penis size except penis size.

#23- not true.... I dated a man who was 6'4, big hands and feet- smallest penis I'd experienced. And hands down- the best sex. Size can be irrelevant if they know how to use it.

My knee-jerk reaction would have been to say something to the extent of "that's not what your mom said last night". Sorry OP