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Fight Club

By Back to youtube - 23/10/2023 22:00

Today, two weeks after I got my girlfriend's son to watch old Tom & Jerry cartoons instead of those awful YouTube kids channels, he got in trouble at school for whapping another kid in the face with a toy mallet. He mentioned he wanted to be like Jerry. I'm a dead man when my girlfriend hears this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 618
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The boy should consider suing his mother to have raised him so dumb.

Humanity is getting dumber by the generation.


Let us know how badly your girlfriend beats you after it's finished

SaltyBlarog 8

nah, 100% ydi. setting aside that it's not ok to parent someone else's kid without permission; it kinda sounds like you don't like the stuff on youtube kids and made him watch something you liked that, depending on the channel, may be more violent than youtube kids. And of course he's gonna emulate/think it's ok; you, an adult, showed it to him.

The boy should consider suing his mother to have raised him so dumb.

Humanity is getting dumber by the generation.

He should have been told what Abraham Lincoln said, "With mallets toward none."