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By Jen - 24/01/2021 13:58 - United States

Today, my unborn child's father told me he stood outside of my friend's house for an hour in the snow in the middle of the night because he thought I was with another guy. I was at her house helping with her four kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 088
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mickymoose1 15

You should take this as a red flag. If someone has been cheated on in the past they to tend to be suspicious of future partners and generally need more reassurance, but stalking someone because they're suspicious is a major red flag for abusive behaviour. Keep a very close eye on that one if you don't plan on cutting him out for that.

CA91 9


mickymoose1 15

You should take this as a red flag. If someone has been cheated on in the past they to tend to be suspicious of future partners and generally need more reassurance, but stalking someone because they're suspicious is a major red flag for abusive behaviour. Keep a very close eye on that one if you don't plan on cutting him out for that.

CA91 9
flagbitch 8

Please be careful in this situation. He sounds possessive AF.

Amanda G Rich 23

Sounds like my dad. let me tell you, run. Having a psycho obsessive father left me super messed up, I would really think about the child's life and get away from him now while you can