
By Dean - 23/07/2024 03:00 - United States

Today, the cops showed up to my house and served me a child support order from the girl I had a one-night stand with, and who'd promised me she would abort the baby. All this was two years ago. My wife of three years was in the house and heard everything. She packed up her things and told me she’ll be calling her attorney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84
You deserved it 1 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ****** around without protection and now you are finding out 🤷 Zero sympathy and props to your wife for no longer putting up with your bullshit. Hope she rinses you in the divorce and the baby mama takes you for everything you owe. Maybe, just maybe you'll grow tf up and start acting like an actual adult now... But we all doubt that. Dumb arse wanker.


You ****** around without protection and now you are finding out 🤷 Zero sympathy and props to your wife for no longer putting up with your bullshit. Hope she rinses you in the divorce and the baby mama takes you for everything you owe. Maybe, just maybe you'll grow tf up and start acting like an actual adult now... But we all doubt that. Dumb arse wanker.

Vesi 29

I'm genuinely wondering if the site admins are posting rage-bait to drum up interaction. First, she would have had to go to family court to prove him the father. I think OP would know if they were being taken to court for establishing paternity. A woman can't just point to one guy and say "He's the father." and automatically get court ordered child support. There is a legal process that must be gone through and all this reads as rage bait.

You know this is FML, and not "Post An Essay About Your Life", right? There's a maximum character limit, so he can't tell the whole story.

Nah, I let stories like this one through because I'm hoping OP will create an account (if they don't have one already) and give us the rest of the story, especially since the ending sounds a bit hyperbolic. Come to think of it, the whole story sounds hyperbolic!

It's a shame you're more of a Homer Simpson as opposed to a Thomas Wayne.

I won't comment one way or the other on the abortion aspect but you deserved to have your wife find out you cheated on her