Major annoyance

By E.B. - 27/06/2014 00:07 - United States - Grenada

Today, I'm a college student working at Dollar Tree. The signs hanging every 10 ft, plastered on every box, every wall, every corner, say "Everything's $1." Someone asked me how much something was, because there was no price tag. This happens multiple times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 973
You deserved it 4 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Jesswokethisfall 11

well sometimes some dollar stores have things that are more than a dollar o. o

I was an assistant manager there I feel your pain all to well

PLLboyEmily 11

My brother does that every time… 'bitch it's one dollar for the tenth ******* time.' Lol

This is because other dollar stores make you think everything is $1 when sometimes they are more so people think it's a trick. Anyone familiar with Dollar Tree though should know by now it truly is $1 .....Oh well sucks to be you

Sometimes in life, you just have to suck it up, and realize some people are just plain stupid. Hopefully after college, you will move on to a better job our career, where without a doubt you will work with/for morons. They are inescapable.

Cut them some slack. There's other "dollar stores" out there that aren't only a dollar. People are used to being lied to about how much shit actually costs. We're used to bait and switch techniques. It's sad but true.

Here's what you do: Every day when you first get to work, make a bet with yourself as to how many times you'll get that question today. Make it reasonable but on the high side, let's say 15, and the bet is something small but pleasant, like you'll go get yourself some ice cream after work. I promise, the whole day, instead of being annoyed every time you get the question, you'll be praying that people ask you. "OK, I'm at 10, just a few more to go ... ooh, she looks likely." "Yes! I'm at 14! Just one more!!!" I call it the Counting Game (real creative, huh). It works great on just about anything that's both annoying and repetitive but you can't do anything about it.

uhmm, everything at dollar tree is NOT a dollar .. sooo

cosmicriver 17

I worked at The Dollar Tree for 2 years up until last year. I know how you feel. This happened on almost a daily basis.