
By grant - 07/06/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, the “lowlifes” from my school who smoked weed are all doing better than I am. Some have family connections in real estate or marketing; Others banded together and started now successful brands. My strict parents forbade me from socializing where I best fit in, so I have zero connections. FML
I agree, your life sucks 394
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I seriously doubt that the difference between your schoolmates apparent successes and your life is due to not getting high during school… I would agree that quite often people from prosperous or professional families have children with that characteristic. Training, genetics, and financial advantages add up… OP you are now wherever you are. You aren’t in high school nor a child anymore. Figure out where your talents are and build on that. It might require additional training, but we can use the things that are our talents to make a career.


you act like you are given connections at a young age. you make connections at any age by going out meeting people. calling businesses that you are interested in and having sit down coffee to pick their brains,you meet people online or linked in. you can't be lazy and hope connections just show up. that's not how it works. your friends did the leg work that you are not willing to do or you would have done it. it doesn't matter if your parents are strict. some of the most wealthiest successful people didn't get their breaks until age 30 or 50. quit whining and do something about it.

I seriously doubt that the difference between your schoolmates apparent successes and your life is due to not getting high during school… I would agree that quite often people from prosperous or professional families have children with that characteristic. Training, genetics, and financial advantages add up… OP you are now wherever you are. You aren’t in high school nor a child anymore. Figure out where your talents are and build on that. It might require additional training, but we can use the things that are our talents to make a career.