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One law for thee, another for me

By thanks a lot asshole - 26/09/2020 17:02 - United States

Today, I went to visit my father. His new wife has hoarded out our childhood home nearly to the point of it being unliveable. That’s pretty funny, considering my dad used to literally beat us if our rooms weren’t clean or we left dishes in the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 390
You deserved it 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mandy_anne34 3

People change, they let go of their hang ups. My dad redid every house chore my mom or us kids ever did because it wasn’t up to his standards. When my mom got a divorce from him he became a completely different person, didn’t care about all the little things he once did. Sucks to suddenly have him not care about that kind of stuff when it was such a big deal for you as a kid...but hey, not your problem now. He’s either changed for the better or just given up. Don’t let it get to you, what’s done is done. People change, it’s not on you to understand or take it personally. If it really bugs you, have a chat with him? Maybe he can shed some light on the situation. You never know what goes on in someone’s head.


My guess is that sex is involved. When you're getting your knob polished to a spit-shine, you don't care how clean anything else is.

Marcella1016 31

Yeah! I'll bet the OPs mom wasn't very good for the dad's knob causing him to be very uptight about cleanliness of the house.

mandy_anne34 3

People change, they let go of their hang ups. My dad redid every house chore my mom or us kids ever did because it wasn’t up to his standards. When my mom got a divorce from him he became a completely different person, didn’t care about all the little things he once did. Sucks to suddenly have him not care about that kind of stuff when it was such a big deal for you as a kid...but hey, not your problem now. He’s either changed for the better or just given up. Don’t let it get to you, what’s done is done. People change, it’s not on you to understand or take it personally. If it really bugs you, have a chat with him? Maybe he can shed some light on the situation. You never know what goes on in someone’s head.

If that's the worst thing about her than maybe he's decided to compromise.