This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 25/04/2017 22:07

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. I decided that I was going to give his ticket to my prom (that I paid for) to someone else that I wanted to go with. It just occurred to me that my ex still thinks we're going together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64
You deserved it 16

Top comments

Inform him, even if you have to go a bit out of your way to- and be a decent person about it, don't do it over text. Yes, he'll probably figure it out, but it will be more polite to inform him bluntly and politely. Now, if you broke up because he's abusive in some way... feel free not to say anything, especially to him in person.


Inform him, even if you have to go a bit out of your way to- and be a decent person about it, don't do it over text. Yes, he'll probably figure it out, but it will be more polite to inform him bluntly and politely. Now, if you broke up because he's abusive in some way... feel free not to say anything, especially to him in person.