By alyssaamarante - 13/06/2015 02:41 - United States - East Northport

Today, I decided to go thrifting to save some money. Ironically, I ended up having to pay for an emergency trip to the hospital because somebody was too lazy to wash the cat hair off their clothes. I'm severely allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 349
You deserved it 8 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't bathe thrift store clothes in hydrochloric acid before you wear them?! Or am I the only one who's that afraid of other people's germs?

lolhailsatan 23

As a former secondhand shop worker, I will say that no, the store does not wash the clothes before they are sent out, big industrial size washers are mad expensive to buy and operate. However, if something has cat hair on it, we would lint roll the garment, or if it was completely covered, we would toss it. But anyway, i think it's common sense to wash the clothes before putting them on your body, so I'm saying YDI


why would you buy used clothes of you have such a severe pet allergy? Do you think pet owners don't donate clothes?

Maybe you should have washed the clothes before you wore it? However, even if they/you did wash the clothes, I'm not sure that's enough to fully get rid of the hair and dander. Maybe thrift shopping just isn't for you.

ewall19 3

You always wash clothes you get second hand.

You have no way of knowing that they didn't wash the clothes. Cats leave hair everywhere and no amount of washing will completely remove embedded hair.

See it never pays to be cheap.. That's why he went to Jarred's

No. sounds like YOU were too lazy to wash clothes from a second hand store? this ones on you lol

The store should have cleaned the clothes before putting them out, but you also should've washed them before wearing them. YDI

Seems to me, you were too lazy to washed used clothes before you wear them...

Um, you Always wash thrift store clothes. Source: Worked at Goodwill. If you dont wash them before wearing, you are the lazy one. YDI

Scrat382 8

YDI for not washing the stuff before wearing it.