By ZPyRoGoDz - 02/11/2009 11:05 - United States

Today, I got to my apartment early after being out really late the night before. Maybe next time I should call ahead of time so that my roommate has time to sneak my girlfriend out of his bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 438
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eeshk!! Sorry dude, well you're way better off at least you know now she's like that


Chillax She enjoys differant people... it doesnt meen she preferes him to you or anything jeez

God forbid one expects their significant other to actually be faithful to them.

Srsly?! I Don't Know how that would work in anyone's world. Cheating is a lack of respect for all parties involved, it doesn't matter how you try to spin it.

22cute 17

Anybody wondering what Op was doing out so late? Or with whom?

79, probably partying with friends and not cheating on his girlfriend. Hope that answers both your questions.

eeshk!! Sorry dude, well you're way better off at least you know now she's like that

sk8erboy_fml 0

wow. I know that that's like... leave the ***** behind

Ouch, its extra brutal when its someone like a roommate, because you tend to be stuck with them for the duration.