By abcdefghijkl1233 - 29/10/2013 13:23 - United Kingdom - Oldham
abcdefghijkl1233 tells us more.
Thank you for those of you who left kind comments, those of you who left comments of the other kind probably don't understand. I didn't fully expect my stutter to get in the way of the interview so much, but combined with my nervousness it gradually got worse throughout. After the way I was treated I realised it wasn't a place I would want to be at so I left without a fight. Also I'd like to thank you for the help methods some of you said, I've been trying to improve it and I'm definitely going to try them, thanks again :) In the future I will inform them beforehand! #8 Aha, good ol' game of Pictionary, never fails to start arguments!
Top comments
YDI for not making them aware earlier. FYL for the way you were treated. Do what everyone else does and sue
I think if you told them you stutter will change things a bit...I do have informed them that I had a cough and that'll find something...and maybe relax a bit I know things can be nerve racking but don't give up OP...
It sucks to be penalized for something you cannot help. However, if you have something like a stutter, you need to make them aware of the problem so they can give you reasonable help in that area. My brother is deaf and has to inform people so he can get someone to translate for him. I have gone as his translator for more casual interviews. It sucks, but it shows more initiative to the owners if you tell them ahead of time.
Your interviewer is very rude.
At least you now know that job won't be a good fit for you.
No one deserves to be treated like that regardless if they have a speech impediment or not. That interviewer was completely out of line saying that stuff to OP. You shouldn't have to call before your interview to say you have a stutter because the person interviewing you should have enough respect and common courtesy to not act like that.
Present document of proof, if they still decline you another interview, lawyer up.
I feel for you OP. I stutter too and am slightly hard of hearing, so people think I'm not paying attention because I have to keep asking people to repeat themselves. Maybe do a few mock interviews before your next one.
Aww, I know how that feels. Next time, inform them that you have a stutter. It's what I do, and most people are understanding.
That interviewer is a jerk! You were not wasting their time and they should have more patience, especially if they are in HR.